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At lunch, Phoebe sat at the Plastics table. She was uncomfortable to say the least; she would usually be staring at this table, and now she's sitting at it, next to Regina herself. Again, many of her classmates in the cafeteria were staring at her, but she had almost gotten used to it; Regina seemed unbothered by the attention, probably because this was her everyday.

Regina ate her cheese fries as she gossiped with Gretchen and Karen about something. Phoebe, who had slightly zoned out, was mindlessly doodling in her notebook deep in thought about her situation with Janis. She was honestly kind of terrified that Janis would unleash some sort of revenge plan on her, like she had tried with Regina. Just then, Cady cautiously walked up to the table, making the other three fall into silence and knocking Phoebe out of her thoughts.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Regina snapped at Cady, who flinched.
"I'm really sorry about what happened, I was super drunk. How can I make it up to you?"
"You can't," Regina simply started, "I mean, that was just the final straw. First you give me those fattening bars as some sort of cruel joke, and now you force yourself on to Phoebe? No way, go sit at the freak table, where you belong!" Regina exclaimed, bringing some more attention to the table. Cady stood there, frozen and dumbfounded.
"You heard her, you can't sit with us!" Gretchen echoed in her high pitched tone. Cady turned around, walking straight to Janis and Damien, who welcomed her with open arms while shooting glares at the Plastics table. Phoebe frowned at this, somewhat jealous of the redhead. Regina, noticing this, placed a comforting hand on Phoebe's thigh.

"Don't worry, it'll all blow over soon enough. She's just got to get used to the idea that you're not under her control and you can date whoever you want." Regina reassured, squeezing Phoebe's thigh. Phoebe nodded, unconvinced. She then went back to mindless doodling in her notebook. Regina then grabbed a pen and joined her, drawing little hearts and flowers over the page. Phoebe smiled at Regina's adorable behaviour as Gretchen and Karen stared at the two, never having seen Regina act this way; she was never soft.

"Hey, do you wanna come over to mine? We can watch some movies, maybe that one you were talking about a couple weeks ago?" Regina asked Phoebe, referencing But I'm a Cheerleader.
"Sure!" Phoebe grinned, excited. Gretchen and Karen exchanged a glance.
"Are we invited?" Gretchen asked.
"No way, go do something else. We don't have to hang out all together all the time." Regina scoffed. Phoebe frowned at Regina's rudeness towards her so called friends.

Before long, the bell for next period rang, and Regina walked Phoebe to class again.


That afternoon, Regina met Phoebe outside her last class, giving her a kiss hello on the cheek and taking her hand. They then walked out to Regina's car together, Gretchen and Karen in tow as she had to drop them home first. Phoebe once again hopped in the passenger seat as Gretchen slumped in the back next to Karen, who was indifferent as she had always sat in the back. As she started up the car, Regina handed Phoebe her phone.

"Here, pick some music." Regina said. Gretchen's eyes widened in anger.
"What? You never let us pick the music!"
"Yeah, I never let you. Phoebe can though."
Phoebe felt bad being treated better than Gretchen when Gretchen had arguably done far more for Regina than Phoebe had, though kept quiet. She put on some Chappell Roan.

"Oh, I love this song!" Karen said as HOT TO GO! came on, bopping her head. Phoebe and Regina both grinned at the brunette, while Gretchen stared out the window, ignoring everything and everyone.

After a few minutes, they reached Karen's house. Karen stumbled out of the car, waving her hand goodbye rapidly before turning and walking to her front door. Once Karen was safely inside her house, Regina sped off.

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