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The final bell rang, signalling it was time for Phoebe's after school detention. Phoebe rushed to the detention room, eager to see Regina, as per usual. After their PE class today, Phoebe felt even stronger feelings for Regina and she was almost 70% sure that Regina felt at least a little bit the same way, especially after catching her looking at her butt.

As Phoebe walked through the classroom door, Regina looked up and smiled at her sincerely. She then patted the seat next to her, urging Phoebe to sit down. Phoebe smiled and quickly walked towards the seat, greeting Regina with a quick "Hello" as she sat down and got her things in order. She got to work on more maths homework, which she was again confused by. This time, she didn't know where to start. She looked over to Regina who grinned at her knowingly.

"Okay, so what you do is apply BIDMAS (a/n - or whatever you personally call it, there's a gazillion different abbreviations but this is what it's called in Aus). So first, you solve the parts in the brackets, and then divide that value by the value outside of the brackets." She wrote down the steps as she went.

"Ohhh okay, thanks!" Phoebe smiled, grateful for Regina's help.
"How are you so good at math anyways? I thought you were in the normal class."
"Well, I got offered a place in the AP class but I rejected it because that's like total social suicide! Only dorks do AP as juniors." Phoebe laughed, amused that Regina cared so much about her image. The girls fell back into silence as they completed their respective work.

As classed neared the end, Regina spoke up again.

"Hey, Phoebe?"
"Do you want to come over to my place after this to work on our PE routine?" Regina asked shyly - which was new for her.
"Sure!" Phoebe replied. Regina grinned wider than Phoebe had ever seen her grin before.

Soon after, it was time to go. Phoebe yet again followed Regina to her Jeep and hopped in the passenger side, making sure to close the car door more carefully this time. "Much better." Regina said in reference to Phoebe's caution when closing the door compared to the previous day. As Regina turned the car on, bad idea! by girl in red came on. Phoebe smirked at Regina. Regina, who caught Phoebe smirk at her out of the corner of her eye, rolled her eyes, "Don't even," she warned "It's a good song, okay?"
"Yeah, with a picture of boobs on the cover!" Phoebe responded, pointing to the console screen which displayed the album cover. Regina snickered. Phoebe and Regina both hummed along to the song as they headed to Regina's house.

As they pulled into Regina's driveway, Phoebe's jaw dropped. "Damn, so you're rich rich!" She exclaimed in amazement. Regina just grinned, parking the car. Phoebe followed Regina's lead into her house - which was even more spectacular inside than out - and was halfway up the stairs when a blonde woman in a pink tracksuit emerged from the kitchen, holding a chihuahua.

"Hi Regina! How was school, honey? And who's this?" The woman - who Phoebe assumed was Regina's mother - questioned.
"Hi, mom. It was fine and this is Phoebe. We have PE together and need to work on our project." Regina replies, immediately continuing upstairs before her mom could respond.
"Oh, okay! Well do you girls want any snacks? I could make some brownies or something? Or do you want some chips and guacamole? Regina?" Her mom yelled after her.
"God mom, don't be so naggy! And anyways, I'm on a diet so no!" Regina yelled out, frustrated. Phoebe looked at her in bewilderment; if she ever used that tone with her mom, she'd be dead. They then climbed up the rest of the stairs and walked into Regina's room. Phoebe's jaw dropped; Regina's room was almost the size of a whole house. "What the..." Phoebe trailed off. Regina just smirked.

"Did you need a change of clothes?" Regina asked.
"No thanks, I'll just rewear my gym clothes I think." Phoebe replied.
"Okay, well my en-suite bathroom is just through there, and just come out when you're ready."
"Okay." Phoebe headed to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. As she was changing out of her normal clothes and into her gym clothes, she couldn't help but snoop in Regina's bathroom. She opened the mirror cabinet and was met with hundreds of different makeup and skincare products, some of which Phoebe had never even heard of before. As she looked through the cabinet, curious as to how Regina made herself look so perfect, she heard a knock on the bathroom door. Phoebe jumped at the sound.

"You okay in there?" Regina asked, "You've been in there an awfully long time."
"Yeah... yes." Phoebe stuttered.
"Did you get your period or something?" Regina asked.
"Yeah..." Phoebe trailed off. It wasn't a lie - she was on her period, but it didn't just come now.
"Oh, well if you need any supplies they're in the box on the shelf above the toilet."
"Thanks." Phoebe replied. She then waited a couple minutes before flushing the toilet, washing her hands, and leaving the bathroom.

As Phoebe exited the bathroom, Regina looked up from her phone, smiling at her, Regina was just wearing a sports bra and bike shorts. Phoebe tried so hard not to stare, but she just looked so good. Regina noticed her staring and laughed, "Okay, lets get started."
"I think we should do a 30 second plank, just to make everyone struggle." Phoebe offered.
Regina smirked, "That's a great idea! Do you want to do it?"
"Sure!" Phoebe said, laying on her stomach on Regina's plush carpet. Regina counted her down as Phoebe moved into the planking position. After a few seconds, Phoebe felt a hand on her butt, pushing it down, which caught her off guard. Her position faltered as she became flustered. Regina, noticing this, said "Sorry, your butt was just so high up, I had to correct it. It's not a proper plank if you're like that."
"Sure, I think you're just making up excuses to touch my butt." Phoebe snickered. Regina's cheeks flushed red, as she stuttered in disagreement. Phoebe laughed, now lying on the floor. Regina started laughing as well as Phoebe's laughter was contagious.

After an hour more of working out a routine, Phoebe and Regina realised they couldn't be bothered doing anymore, so Regina offered to drive Phoebe home.

They sat in silence as Regina drove to Phoebe's house. When they reached Phoebe's house. "Damn, my house looks like a shed compared to yours." She laughed, turning to Regina.

Regina laughed, then suddenly her face dropped. She looked down at Phoebe's lips, then up at her eyes, then down at her lips again. Unexpectedly, she slowly leaned in. Phoebe was shocked at first when she realised what Regina was trying to do, but then became impatient at how long Regina was taking to follow through. So, Phoebe quickly closed the gap between them, pressing her lips to the blonde's. They then pulled apart quickly, both with a giddy grin plastered on their faces. "Whoa, what just happened?" Phoebe asked. They then just sat there in awkward silence, both trying to process what had just happened, until Phoebe suddenly went, "Well, I guess I'd better go now. Thanks for the ride!" She hopped out of the car and began to walk up her pebbled driveway, grinning to herself. The thing she had waited for years to happen, had finally happened. She couldn't believe it. Now she was sure Regina liked her back!

"No problem, see you tomorrow!" Regina yelled after her, blushing. She had never felt so giddy after kissing someone; it was a strange and unfamiliar feeling for her. She hung back for a minute, making sure Phoebe got inside her house okay, and sped off. Aaron, who was watching this scene unfold from is spot at the front window, grinned.

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