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(Later that afternoon, at Janis' house)
"So, how are we gonna take Regina down?" Janis asked, slamming down her fist. Wow, she's really getting into this, Phoebe thought, eyes widening.
"Phoebe, do you have any ideas? You've been spending both PE and detention with her, you have to have something on her."
"Nope, she hasn't said anything that stands out..." Phoebe trailed off, pretending to be deep in thought.
"Okay, what about you Cady?" Janis continued.
"Well I know that she is really obsessed with losing weight, but there's not really anything we could do about that," Cady offered.
"Anything else?"
That I think she has a crush on Phoebe, Cady was tempted to say. Instead, she just shook her head no and pulled out one of the Kälteen bars her mom made her pack in case she needed an energy boost.
"Wait, what's that? It's in a foreign language..." Damien asked.
"Oh, it's this Swedish protein bar that my mom used to feed the malnourished kids near where we lived in Kenya, it makes you gain weight like crazy." She said, and immediately had an epiphany. Both Damien and Janis also had the same epiphany.
"Wait, you should try and feed them to Regina somehow! Like tell her they make you lose weight. Oh god, that'll be hilarious!" Janis exclaimed.
"You can't do that, that's terrible! She's obviously insecure and you're gonna make it worse? That's low." Phoebe said, shooting down the idea.
"What? She deserves it, she makes everyone else feel insecure! Don't tell me all this being around Regina has made you soft on her!" Janis replied.
"N-no, it hasn't!" Phoebe lied, "I just don't think it's right to stoop that low."
"Okay then, well let's have a vote." Janis looked around, "All those in favour of feeding Regina these weight gain bars say aye!" Everyone except Phoebe replied "Aye." Phoebe frowned. After having hung out with Regina so much, she had realised how much she was like anyone else, and she wasn't this evil force Janis was making her out to be, but an insecure person who would take it out on others. Phoebe then decided to plan a secret mission of her own, in which she would protect Regina from the harm of the other three and ruin their attempts to sabotage the blonde.


As Phoebe lay in bed that evening, she suddenly heard the doorbell ring, muffled by the music she was playing.
"Aaron, please get that?" She called out.
"Ughhh fine." He yelled back, opening the door. He was met face to face with none other than Regina George. Regina frowned at him, disappointed, as she was expecting Phoebe to answer the door, and asked him, "Is Phoebe here?"
He smirked at the blonde knowingly. "Yep, she's up in her room. Last door in the hall."
Regina then followed his instructions, clomping up the wooden stairs in her Louboutin stilettos. As she neared Phoebe's door, she heard Fiona Apple's sultry voice blasting from the other side. Regina grinned; she had lied to Phoebe before, she loved Fiona Apple but would never admit that because she thought it was too 'artsy' and 'niche' for her public image. She knocked three times on the door, hearing Phoebe yell "What?" over the music. She turned the knob and let herself in. Phoebe, not expecting to see Regina enter her room, shot up from her bed in surprise. She then walked over to her speaker and turned her music down, then saying a shy "Hey" to the blonde girl standing in her doorway.

"Hey, I feel like we should talk about what happened yesterday." Regina said, moving to sit on the edge of Phoebe's unmade bed. She looked around Phoebe's room, taking in the hundreds of different music and movie posters scattered on her wall and the bookshelf that was exploding with books that sat next to her bed. She grinned, noticing how true to herself Phoebe truly was, even expressing it through her room.

"What about? The kiss?"
"Yeah," Regina trailed off, suddenly shy, "the kiss. Listen, I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone before, like not even the guys I've dated in the past. For example, for the first time ever in my life I've been shy! And I'm not shy! People are scared of me so why am I suddenly scared to talk to you?" Regina exclaimed in disbelief of herself.
"Ooooh you like like me!" Phoebe teased.
"Shut up." Regina shoved her playfully, a blush lining her cheeks.

"But seriously, I like you. Like, like like you. And I have no idea why, because up until these past few days you've been nothing but rude to me." Phoebe admitted.
Regina frowned. "I know, and I'm sorry. I thought about all that and I'm pretty sure that I maybe liked you for a while, but I just pushed it down so hard it turned into a need to be rude to push it away? I don't know, anyways I'm really sorry about all that and I'm starting to come to terms with my actual feelings." Phoebe smiled at Regina's sincerity.

"So, what does that mean? Do we date now, or what?" Phoebe asked.
"Listen, I'm not sure I'm ready to be 'out' yet because I'm really not sure how I swing - just that I'm definitely attracted to you - and I feel like I have an image to uphold as the bitchy popular girl." At least she's self-aware, Phoebe thought, "So I like totally get it if you don't wanna be with me."
"No, no, I get it," Phoebe replied sincerely, "you can take as much time as you need and I'll support you."
Regina grinned, comforted by the brunette's words.
"So, do we kiss again?" Phoebe asked, smirking. Regina smirked back and pulled the brunettes in, connecting their lips. Phoebe deepened it, desperate to be closer to the blonde, and leaned into Regina, wrapping an arm around her waist and bringing their torsos closer together. They continued kissing for what felt like another whole minute before they had to pull away for air, resting their foreheads together and blissfully smiling like maniacs at the other.

"So, do you want to stay for dinner?" Phoebe asked after a while of sitting in silence, "It's just me and Aaron, my mom's working late. We were gonna get pizza or something."
"Sure, I'd love to." Regina smiled, a blush still present on her cheeks.

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