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"Wait, so you really said that to her? Good for you!" Damien slow clapped as Phoebe explained what had happened in class.

"Yeah, but I don't know, I kinda feel bad. She seemed pretty hurt by it."

"Please, Regina doesn't get hurt. All she cares about is her slimy backstabbing self. I'm proud of you that you finally stood up for yourself though!" Janis replied, gesticulating and pretending to hold a knife and stab the table.

"Thanks, Janis. That was a little scary though." Phoebe replied, referring to her violent motions. Janis just shrugged.

Phoebe looked across the cafeteria to the Plastics table, where Regina was having a heated conversation with Gretchen and Karen while Cady sat there awkwardly listening. Every now and then, the three girls would glance up to Phoebe, who would quickly look away. Then, they turned and started talking to Cady about something, which caused Cady to also look back at her. Shit, she thought to herself, what are they talking about? She wondered what PE would be like on Friday, since they were still stuck in a group together.

"Helloooo, Earth to Phoebe??" Janis called at the girl who was deep in her thoughts. "Did you hear what I asked?"
"No, sorry, say again?"
"Wow, you're acting so strange, like stranger than usual. I asked if this meant you were over Regina?"

"Yeah, I think so. It felt good yelling at her. She's always been so rude to me and I don't know why I kept just letting her do it." She lied. Somehow even after she still had a crush on Regina and was eager to be her partner again. I guess I have a thing for bitches or something, she thought to herself.

"That's right! Now you see what we see!"


Just then, the bell sounded, indicating it was time for the last period of the day. The trio headed to Math class, which they also all shared.

World Burn - Regina George [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now