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As Regina pulled into her driveway, she looked over to Phoebe, who was now resting her head on the window, fast asleep. She grinned to herself, admiring the peaceful girl as she put the car in park and turned it off. She then quietly got out, careful not to wake the brunette. She walked around to the other side and carefully opened the door, making sure to support Phoebe's head that was leaning on the door. As she propped Phoebes head up, Regina wrapped her other arm around her legs, carrying her bridal style. While it was a struggle to carry her, she was surprisingly light. Regina held her keys in one hand as she shifted her arms, putting more of Phoebes weight on her other arm. As she was doing this, Phoebe began to stir, and then fully woke up.

"Whoa," she said when she realised that Regina was literally carrying her, "Okay, muscles. I can walk now though." She said. Regina set her down, now having both hands free to unlock the door. She put her finger up to her lips, warning Phoebe to be quiet as she opened the door. Phoebe obliged, following Regina's lead and tiptoeing up to her room.

As they made it to Regina's room, Phoebe immediately flopped down onto the plush bed, which was twice the size of Phoebe's and had more pillows than Phoebe had ever seen in her life. "Oh, god," she moaned in comfort, closing her eyes. Regina laughed at the tired girl and tapped her on the butt. "Hey, not yet! Let's changed into something comfier first."

Phoebe groaned, "Do I have to?"
"Yes," Regina snickered, handing Phoebe a pair of her sweatpants and an oversized shirt.
"Thanks," Phoebe said, heading to the bathroom.
"Uh, you can just get changed out her if you want? I mean, now that we're officially dating..." Regina trailed off with a smirk. Phoebe smiled, and began to undress next to Regina's bed. Regina just stared at her deeply. As Phoebe bent back up from putting the sweatpants on, she locked eyes with Regina. Regina quickly looked away, pretending to do something else. Phoebe laughed, "Hey, can you help me get this corset off? I can't do it."
"Sure." Regina said, approaching the girl. She untied the back of Phoebes corset and slowly loosened the laces. She then began to kiss the back of her neck, and her shoulders slowly. Phoebe shivered at the sudden touch, leaning her head into Regina's. She then spun around so that she was face to face with Regina and wrapped her arms around her neck as Regina laced her arms around Phoebe's waist. They locked lips, slowly moving in unison. Phoebe hopped up on her tiptoes so that she could deepen the kiss, as Regina was a few inches taller. They made out for a while before Regina pulled away, Phoebe looked up at her, disappointed to not be kissing anymore. Regina laughed at her, "Hey, up until a few minutes ago, you were asleep! Let's get dressed for bed and then we can do whatever after that."
"Okay," Phoebe sighed.

She pulled her corset off and quickly slipped into Regina's shirt, comfort washing over her, Her nose was then filled with Regina's scent, which made her smile. In the meantime, Regina had finished getting changed and was unmaking her bed to get in. As she got in, she patted the mattress next to her, ordering Phoebe to get in. Phoebe obliged, settling in next to her. Regina rolled over, spooning the brunette. Phoebe grinned at the contact, comfort rushing through her body. Soon after, she nodded off in Regina's arms.

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