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As the limo drove into the school car park, Phoebe's anxiety was at an all time high. Her breath hitched in her throat as the limo came to a stop; she was used to feeling this anxious in this exact car park before school everyday, but this was far different. Regina held Phoebe's hand tightly, noticing how tense she was. Phoebe shot her a weak grin. "Hey, there nothing to be worried about. You look hot! You might be the hottest person in there. Well, you know, besides me of course." Regina bragged, tossing her hair with her free hand. Phoebe laughed; her girlfriend's massive ego momentarily brought her out of her thoughts.

Regina's mom started tearing up as the two girls grabbed their purses and prepared to hop out. "Mom, you're so dramatic." Regina scoffed, embarrassed.
"Sorry, just you both look so beautiful. You know, I had a girlfriend who looked almost exactly like Phoebe during college, but we got bullied so much that we had to break up. I'm just glad you get to live your truth, honey!" Regina's mom blubbered.
Regina's face softened, "Awww, mom. Wait, you were gay in college? Why'd you throw that all away to marry dad?" She said in a disgusted tone.
"It was a different time..." Her mom trailed off, not fully there. The three sat quietly as Regina's mom silently reminisced about her college days, until they were interrupted by the limo driver clearing his throat, "You guys only paid me for an hour, so you two better get out quick if you want me to drop your mom back home!" He urged. Regina glared at the driver, frustrated he had ruined one of very few sweet moments she shared with her mother, though obliged and hopped out. She told Phoebe to wait there and not open her door, which Phoebe obliged to with a grin on her face. Regina raced around to the other side, struggling in her heels and out of breath by the time she reached Phoebe's door as the limo was extremely long, and opened it, taking a slight bow and holding her hand out for Phoebe to take. Phoebe laughed, taking her hand and stepping out of the vehicle.

"Bye, Ms George!" Phoebe bid, sticking her head through the door before she shut it.
Regina's mom waved off the girl, "Oh, please, call me June! Ms George makes me sound like an old lady! Hope you girls have fun! And come home at a reasonable time, please!" Phoebe smiled at the woman and closed the door. The driver then pulled away.

Regina and Phoebe stood there on the curb, hand in hand and mentally preparing themselves for the night. Both taking a deep breath, they strutted in, feigning confidence - well, Phoebe feigning confidence, Regina's was real. They merged into the large crowd headed to the gym and searched for Gretchen and Karen; those two were planning on 'hard launching' their relationship tonight, or at least not hiding it, and had worn matching dresses.

"Hey! Regina, Phoebe!" The two girls heard Karen's voice yell from just inside the gymnasium. They walked in the direction the voice was coming from and soon were face to face with Karen and Gretchen.
"Wow, you two look amazing!" Phoebe exclaimed; Karen and Gretchen were both wearing the same long silky dress, but in different colours - Karen in a cream and Gretchen in an emerald. Both of their dresses looked perfect on them, and they looked radiant.
Karen grinned widely, "Thanks! So do you two! I love that purple, Phoebe!"
"Thanks," Phoebe blushed, running her hands over her dress shyly, unsure on how to take a compliment.

Then, a wolf whistle coming from behind them caused them to turn around, face to face with Lilia Matthews. Phoebe glared at the girl, who was wearing a paste blue suit. Lilia bit her lip, looking Regina up and down, "Damn, mamas. You look fineee. Ditch your bitch and dance with me instead."

Regina scoffed, but before she could answer, Phoebe stepped in front of her, "Fuck off, bitch. She's here with me. Trust me, she doesn't not want someone like you anyways."
"And? Let the lady speak for herself. I'm sure she'd much rather be with a girl who can treat her right and please her well."
Phoebe's eyes flashed red with anger. Before she could bite back, Regina put a hand on her shoulder to stop her.
"I'm quite happy where I am, thank you! And... ew! Not that it's any of your business, but I'm always pleased with Phoebe. Now, scram!" She said sassily, waving Lilia off. Lilia obliged, walking off, hurt. Phoebe looked up at Regina, a disgusted look on her face, "God, the nerve of that girl!" Regina just laughed in response.

"Wow, you all look sexy as fuck!" Janis exclaimed as she and Damien approached the group in matching lavender suits.
"Thanks, I could say the same to you, hottie!" Phoebe promptly replied, making Janis nudge the girl playfully; like her friend, that girl could not take a compliment for the life of her.
"Do you two have dates?" Regina asked them, as obviously they weren't here together; they were both raging homosexuals.
"Uh, yeah! I asked Ari out! She's just over there." Janis said, shyly pointing towards a girl at the punch bowl who was in a bold coloured dress.
Phoebe's jaw dropped, "You did? Oh my god, Janis! You've been crushing on her for ages, I can't believe you finally made a move!"
"Well, lets just say a certain someone inspired me to go after the girl I want." She said, motioning her head towards Phoebe, who smiled in response. Before Damien had the chance to point out his date, blaring microphone feedback interrupted them. They all grimaced in reaction to the deafening high pitched noise.

"Um, excuse me!" Principal Duvall's voice boomed over the gymnasium loudspeakers. "Could I please get all the nominees for Spring Fling King and Queen up on stage?" Phoebe drew a deep breath in; this was the moment she was dreading. Regina, Karen, Gretchen and Phoebe all walked up to the stage side by side, receiving words of encouragement from Janis and Damien as they walked away. Some of the girls - aka Gretchen and Phoebe - we're far more nervous than others - aka Regina and Karen. They formed a line on the stage, Regina on one side of Phoebe and Gretchen on the other, then Karen on the other side of Gretchen, the two holding hands. Phoebe's eyes softened noticing this and nudged Regina, who looked towards the hand-holding girls and let out a quiet "Awww."

"Okay, thank you. Now, North Shore High's newest Spring Fling King is... Aaron Samuels!" He bellowed, and the crowd roared in support. Phoebe grinned, excited and proud of her older brother for yet again winning this popularity contest. Aaron accepted his crown and bowed, hanging back on stage. "Now, our Spring Fling Queen is... what, that weird." The four girls shared a confused and worried look, "Sorry folks, looks like we have a tie! Our two Queens of this year are Regina George and Phoebe Samuels! Hold on, how did both Samuels siblings win? Strange..." Principal Duvall murmured the last part to himself, bestowing the singular crown and gift card to Waffle House to both girls. Phoebe and Regina stood arms linked together with one hand holding the crown each and looked out to the crowd, who was cheering loudly. Phoebe grinned, though she was confused as to how she had tied with the Regina George a.k.a reigning Queen for three years in a row. Gretchen and Karen whooped and cheered loudly from side stage, and Phoebe could hear Janis and Damien in the audience cheering and whistling. Phoebe looked up to Regina, confused. Regina grinned back down at her, "Lets just say I pulled a few strings to make sure we were both Queen." She smirked, and Phoebe grinned at her.

The two then rushed off stage; now, it was time for the King and Queen to dance. Seeing that there were two Queens - who would be partnered together obviously - and only one King, Aaron danced with his date while the two girls danced together.

Phoebe stared into Regina's eyes; this was likely the best moment of her life so far, and she couldn't believe how far she had come these past few months. She had gone from having a six-year-long unrequited crush on Regina, to feuding with her, to dating her, to breaking up with her, and then back to dating again. All she could think about is how she hoped that they would last forever.

"I love you," Phoebe whispered to Regina as they danced in each other's arms.
"I love you too." Regina grinned back widely and leaned in to kiss her girlfriend.


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