01. Wolf Moon

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"Scott, why the hell do we always let Stiles drag us out of our beds?"


"Scott, can you turn down your music please?!" The teenaged girl was shouting loudly out of her bedroom door to be heard as now, she was continuing to try and study.

"Sorry Kimber!" Came the shouted reply as soon after the words had been called to her, the sound of the pumping rock music had been significantly decreased.

Unbeknownst to Scott McCall, the young teenager Kimber could still hear the music perfectly and now, she was shaking her head. "Boys and their rock music." She muttered and she stopped before she got back to her desk, and she froze.

Kimber turned around slowly as she shut her eyes, swiftly trying to narrow her field of concentration. Kimber made her way over to Scott's room, before she looked into the open bedroom as now, Scott was staring out at the window.

"Yeah, I hear it too." Scott murmured and Kimber nodded, right before she was tossing him the wooden baseball bat, that had been tucked into the corner of his room.

"Wait." Kimber said and before Scott could react, her hand shot out to stop him before he could swing the bat. "Trust me, you don't want to hit this person." She muttered as he glanced at her.

Scott barely had time to blink, before Kimber had moved up onto the roof and quickly now, she was yanking the person down.

Scott jumped back with a rather surprisingly loud scream at the sight of his best friend Stiles Stilinski hanging off of the roof and Stiles was also screaming at both the sight of Scott and then also, the shocking surge of unexpected strength that had come from Kimber.

"Kimber Hale, let go of me right now! I am the Sheriff's--" Stiles was dropped right into the grass on his head, and he shouted in pain. "Ow! Kimber, what the hell was that for?" He asked as Kimber was jumping back down from the roof easily enough, landing on her feet and she was lifting her shoulders at the words.

"Are you being serious right now, Stiles Stilinski? Dude, you literally just told me to let go of you." Kimber pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest, with two suddenly lifting eyebrows.

"Stiles, you really kind of did." Scott pointed out and Stiles groaned at the words, as he was getting up onto his feet again.

Scott had gotten used to the fact that Kimber's senses were strangely heightened and that her awareness of her surroundings was abnormal, that it was also a family trait of hers.

But Kimber was not naïve enough to think that if he knew the real reason for her senses and her rather unique strength to size ratio for her age, she knew better than to think that he would just accept it without a panic and a half.

"That's the best part. They only found half." Stiles's voice broke her out of a brief stupor and he smirked. "We're going." He said and by the tone of his voice, they knew that they didn't have a choice in this.

"Scott, why the hell do we always let Stiles drag us out of our beds?" Kimber grumbled as she was getting out of the ancient-looking old jeep and then now, she was slamming the door shut behind her.

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