06. Pack Mentality

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Scott was getting everything situated on one of the back tables when he turns to see Sheriff Stilinski standing outside of the exam room door, looking stern and serious. Scott instantly starts to worry that Stilinski has figured out that Scott killed Garrison Myers and is there to arrest him and begins to panic, gulping nervously.

However, Stilinski simply opens the door, smiling suddenly at them all as he reveals that he has one of the K-9 unit dogs with him and is only there so the dog can get a check-up, which Deaton confirms for them both.

"Hey! I see somebody's ready to get their stitches out!" Deaton said as he bends over at the waist and pats his knees to get the dog to sit for him while Stilinski takes off his sunglasses and walks over to greet Scott.

"Hey there, Scott. Hey Kimber. You two staying out of trouble?" Stilinski asked while the duo of Scott and Kimber were watching the dog. Scott, still caught off guard by Stilinski's appearance at his work, he watched as Deaton picks up the German Shepherd dog and sits him on the table before he realizes he was asked a question and answers with a nod.

"Yeah..." Scott stuttered slightly and Kimber elbowed him

"Scott, chill out." Kimber muttered under her breath, far too quiet for anybody but another werewolf or supernatural creature to hear and Scott was looking over at her, before she was quickly nodding at him. "Nobody will ever know about you and Garrison Myers, you won't be harmed."

"How do you know?" Scott asked quietly.

"Because, I have been here through situations like this before." Kimber muttered and Scott's head snapped over to look at her immediately, his eyes widening. "My family helped build this town, Scott. We have had to deal with plenty of issues like this before and we have never had a member of our family caught. Chill out now." Kimber ordered quietly. Fortunately, Stilinski is too distracted by Deaton's assessment of the dog to notice how uneasy Scott is acting.

Stilinski then turns to talk to Deaton about work. "Hey, listen--" Stilinski opened up the zipper on his briefcase and starts to rifle through it. "While I'm here, you mind taking a look at those pictures I was telling you about?" Stilinski pulls a file labeled "EVIDENCE ENVELOPE" and he was holding it out to Deaton. "Sacramento still can't determine an animal." He explained and Kimber looked at the envelope, before she sighed as she knew what it was.

Deaton's voice is hesitant as he takes the envelope from Stilinski and opened it to pull out the photos inside. "I'm not exactly an expert..." Deaton reminded him and then he turned the photos so they're upright before beginning to rifle through them, looking intrigued by what he sees in the photos. "Oh, this is the guy who was attacked in the bus?" Deaton turns the photo so Stilinski can see it to confirm.

Meanwhile Scott, unable to hide his curiosity, turns to look at it over Stilinski's shoulder. The photo is of what looks like Garrison Myers' upper arm, which has a clearly defined bite mark above the elbow that is smudged with blood. Stilinski nods in confirmation.

"Yeah. And, we found some wolf hairs on Laura Hale's body." Kimber flinched at the mention of her older sister's body, briefly looking down at her hands which were tipped with claws. Scott looked over at Kimber, who was backing up towards the door and she was taking off out of the clinic.

"Kimber?" Scott asked loudly enough to get both of the adults attention and then, both of the adults, Deaton and Stilinski were both looking after her, before Deaton's eyes were softening at the sight of her running out of the clinic.

"I'll go and talk to her." Deaton decided after Stilinski had long-since left the clinic and Kimber still hadn't come back into the clinic after well-over an hour of her disappearing.

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