02. Wolf Moon

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The scent was vaguely familiar to her own scent as well, it was like they could be... No, that's not possible. "My family, no way. They are all dead, except for Peter. And Peter, he can't even move, much less drive a car." She said to herself and quickly, she was walking up the stairs, and then now, she was swiftly pushing open the door. "Melissa, I'm home!"

"I'm in the living room here, sweetheart!" She heard Melissa McCall's voice, as Kimber felt a surge of warmth from the nickname.

Kimber walked into the living room and then she stopped in the doorway, seeing that the same guy from before, he was standing in the middle of the living room. "We never told her about any of... Oh, hey Kimber."

"Who the hell are you?" Kimber asked as she was staring at the guy, who was turning to look at her. "What are you doing here?"

"Kimber, sweetheart... I wanted this transition to be easier for you, so there were things that I left out of the adoption process and, that I never told you." At the words, Kimber was looking over at Melissa.

"What do you mean?" Kimber asked and now, she could feel the tension in her bones and she was shaking her head. "Melissa, who the hell is this?" She asked.

"I can't blame you right now for not remembering me, little one." Kimber snapped her head around to look at the young man, who held up his hands in a "I am surrendering!" position and he was looking at her, keeping eye contact. "After all, I didn't recognize you either when I first saw you again. Hey there, little wolf."

Kimber felt like the air had been knocked out of her and she was shaking, before she was looking at him closer and her eyes widened to the size of small moons.

Him laughing as he picked her up from kindergarten, picking her up and he was easily putting her onto his shoulders and he was running with her on his shoulders, as she was squealing with laughter and delight.

Kimber was watching him with complete terror in her eyes and now, he was struggling terribly on the full moon.

B-But there was nothing that she could do to help him, nothing that she could do but watch as her older brother that was her role model for most things, went through so much pain.

"Derek?" Kimber asked with a quiver in her voice, a quiver of quite sheer disbelief, with her lower lip quivering.

"Hey kid." Derek murmured and Kimber dropped her school bag and then, also her lacrosse stuff before she was jumping up and at him with choking sobs. "Hey." Derek said as she was hugging him tightly, crying as she was hugging him so tightly that it was a wonder, that he could still even breathe.

"Everyone told me that you were dead. That you and Laura... That everybody was dead... Except for Peter, you were all dead." Kimber gasped out the words in between choked up sobs and Derek was shaking his head as she wasn't letting go of him.

"I am right here, I promise you." Derek murmured and then she was looking up at him, as she nodded silently. "I will be in touch, kiddo, I promise." He said and she nodded in understanding, getting the far better left unspoken message.

We will talk about the wolf thing later.

It was better that way and they were both smart enough to know it. Derek thanked the Matriarch McCall for letting him in, before he was leaving the house.

As soon as the door was shutting and locking behind Derek Hale by Melissa McCall, she was turning back around to talk to Kimber but the young teen Hale girl, she had already disappeared upstairs.

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