37. Month One: Working a Grid

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Kimber was crossing out another section of the grid on the map, shaking her head as she was looking down at it. "Damn it." She said and she hit the table with her open hand, in fact she nearly broke it.

"Don't break it." Derek warned as he was walking back into the loft. "Do you have any contacts who could help us? Who could help us with working the grid?" He asked and she was looking at him.

"I know one person who could help us..."

"No." Derek said, pointing at her with a shake of his head. "I'm not calling him back here, he has done enough for us. If he wants to come back and help us, then he can. But, I'm not calling him and neither are you." Derek said definitively and Kimber sighed, before she held up her hands in surrender at the words and she nodded.

"But, don't you miss him?" Kimber asked and Derek let out a low growl, which she took to mean "yes" as she turned back to the maps on the table in front of her. "Then why don't you just go to New York?" She asked.

"Haven't you noticed the situation that we have found ourselves in?" Derek asked angrily, his tone of voice suddenly sharp and irritated as Kimber turned around to look at him. "There is a pack of alphas in town led by Deucalion, Erica and Boyd have been taken by Deucalion and his alpha pack, they are out to get me and they most likely, want me to kill all of you!" Derek ranted and the volume of his angry voice went up and Kimber looked at him. "And now, you want me to pull the druid back into this mess, are you completely insane?!" Derek's last words were no longer just words, they were an angry roar and then Kimber was silently watching him.

"Are you done?" Kimber asked and Derek sighed, before he was nodding. "Do you feel any better?" She prodded and Derek sighed heavily, before he was nodding again. "Do you have time for another question?"

"Was that your question?" Derek asked and Kimber rolled her eyes at the words. "Kimber? What is your question then?" He asked again, slightly less angry and grumpy this time.

"Is your anchor still anger?" Kimber asked and Derek glanced back at her, before he turned around and went up the stairs in silence.

Kimber smiled softly, feeling a little sad about just how good her only living brother was, at avoiding his emotions entirely and she sighed. Kimber glanced down at her phone, where her messages to Jimmy had been going unanswered for two weeks and she still hadn't told Derek.

Kimber sighed as she dialed another number and held her phone up to her ear. "Hey, it's me. I need your help, I need you to try and find somebody." Kimber said into the phone and the voice on the other end was mumbling something. "Please. Look, I know that you don't want to come back to Beacon Hills because of everything that happened, but you're my best chance at finding him. Derek is more distressed about it then he is willing to share, as usual." Kimber muttered.

After a back and forth for more than an hour, Kimber was finally satisfied with the fact that somebody else would be looking for Jimmy. Even if she couldn't leave town to look for him, she had somebody looking for the druid who had never failed to pick up the phone to text or call back, unless he was in a situation where he couldn't.

Meanwhile, Jimmy indeed was in a situation where he couldn't text or call back. Not that Derek or Kimber actually knew about it, but that was besides the point currently speaking. "Why did they take you?" Boyd asked and Jimmy glanced over at him, from where he was leaning against the opposite wall of the bank vault.

"Because, they know I'm important to Derek." Jimmy said as he leaned his head back against the wall. "Erica, Cora. Are you two okay over there? You're being unusually quiet." He wondered and the two girls turned around to look at him.

"Just listening to you." Cora replied calmly and Erica, she appeared to actually be asleep in a curled up fetal position. "She's still breathing, don't worry." Cora offered and Jimmy chuckled at the words.

"You sound like Derek, you kind of look like him too." Jimmy said as he glanced at her in the darkness of the vault. "Derek will be looking everywhere for you and Erica," he pointed over his shoulder at Boyd, who was moving closer to hear properly. "Which will eventually, lead them to us as well. We will get out of here, it just might take a while."

"Tell me about him." Cora said and Jimmy cracked a grim smile at the words. "Please?" Cora questioned.

"All right. But you first." Jimmy agreed and Cora launched into a proper and near-professional storyteller mode, while Jimmy listened to her with nods and grins. Jimmy started to think that maybe, just maybe... being in the vault wasn't as bad as he thought it was.

Kimber was lying on the couch when the alarm went off. "Derek!" She shouted loudly, even though she didn't need to shout for him to hear her and at the call, her brother came ripping down the stairs and Kimber slammed her fist down on the button to shut it off.

The two of them faced the door and they were growling loudly, both of them and they brought out their claws in a familiar unison. The door slid open and both of them stopped growling at the sight of the familiar face, before Kimber grinned as her fangs disappeared. "Casey!" Kimber yelped, practically jumping at the hunter who was laughing.

"Ouch!" Casey said as Kimber let her up and they were hugging. "All right, why the hell did you drag me back here?" Casey asked as she put down the gun that was on her back and Kimber was leading her over to the table covered in maps.

"I would like to know that too." Derek muttered and Kimber kicked him in the ankle. "What?" He asked and Kimber glared at him.

"The crossed-out sections, you've already looked across most of the town." Casey said as she was moving her finger across the maps. "I'll start from the first section and move across the board, I might be able to pick something up that you guys missed. Is there anybody else looking for them?" She asked.

"Isaac Lahey, one of Derek's bitten wolves and then there is... Peter." At the mention of Peter, Casey's eyes blazed with fury and Kimber sighed. "I don't like him much either, nobody does. But we need the manpower." Kimber pointed out.

"Keep him away from me then, or I'll kill him and make sure it's permanent this time." Casey warned and Kimber glanced at Derek, who shrugged. "I mean it." She said as she grabbed her gun, before she was walking out of the door.

"It's good to see you, Casey." Derek called out reluctantly after the hunter, previously growling loudly at Kimber, who had elbowed him in the ribs to get him to say something.

"It's good to see you're still alive!" Came the hollered response and Kimber laughed at the words, how awkward the two of them were.

"Oh, shut up." Derek said irritably to Kimber, who was laughing at the sight of his obvious discomfort. "You could have given me fair warning, before you called my ex-girlfriend back to Beacon Hills."

"Also, the mother of your child." Kimber pointed out.

"Sometimes, I really do hate you." Derek replied and Kimber was shaking her head at him with a smirk on her face, before she was going back over to the couch and laying back with her heavy duty headphones on.

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