28. Restraint

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"This is part of our inheritance, isn't it?" At the words, Derek glanced over at Kimber as she walked down the stairs. "I'm okay, Derek. It's over." Kimber said and Derek sighed with relief at the words.

"I will be fine by the time the full moon rises, I promise. You will need my help, so that you won't be alone on the full moon against the Argents and the Kanima." She said.

"Kimber... Do you know who it is?" Derek asked and Kimber was looking over at him, before she was nodding.

"Ninety percent sure, anyways." Kimber said and Derek sighed.

"Are you going to tell me?" Derek asked.

"After we discuss what the plans are for the full moon." Kimber replied as Derek agreed with a slow nod, recognizing it now as a fair deal.

"Scott or Stiles?" Erica wondered as Kimber was shaking her head, before she hopped over the railing and landed in a crouch.

"Where is our friendly neighborhood Emissary?" Kimber asked and she was unlocking the trunk that she recognized, seeing the familiar image on it.

Kimber brushed her fingers over the triskelion symbol on top of it and then Derek was looking over at her. "Asleep. He kept having nightmares last night and when there weren't nightmares... Well, let's just say that he is completely exhausted." Derek said and she nodded.

"Fair enough." Kimber said and she pulled her hand away from the box. "I haven't seen these in a while." She admitted softly as Derek grabbed one of her hands briefly in his, squeezing it before he let her go.

"The full moon is coming, Derek." At the words from Isaac, both of the Hales turned to look at him and Derek stared at the beta.

"I'm aware of that." Derek said irritably as Kimber was helping him sort out the chains and the restraints for each of the werewolves that would be turning.

Erica reached down into the box and grabbed a set of chains and restraints. "Oh my. These look comfortable." Kimber yanked them out of her hands with a growl of warning.

"You said that you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted." Isaac said as Kimber continued to organize the chains and other stuff.

"There hasn't been time." Derek pointed out the obvious.

"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means... That means you're alone against the Argents." Isaac stated.

"Hey!" Kimber snapped and Isaac turned around to look at her. "What the hell am I, some chopped liver?" Kimber asked.

"You're just a kid like us!" Isaac retorted.

"Who has more control over herself than you, Erica and Boyd combined." Derek was interrupting and Isaac stopped, looking over at him. "Besides. They haven't found us." He said as he was walking away.

"Yet. So, how about we forget about the Kanima?" Isaac asked.

"We. Can't!" Derek shouted and Isaac jumped back in clear surprise, it stunk up the room despite the fact that he should really be used to it by now and Derek sighed. "There was something about the way Gerard looked at it... He wasn't afraid, at all. I don't know what he knows, or what he's planning. But, I'm sure about one thing-- we have to find it, first."

"It's Jackson." Kimber admitted and Derek looked over at her. "The Kanima, I mean. It is Jackson. Scott, Stiles and Allison are all trying to figure out who the one controlling him is." She said.

"Help them figure it out." Derek said and Kimber was nodding quickly, right before she was walking out of the depot and she was driving herself to school.

Kimber found herself stuck in detention after being stuck in the wrong place, all at the wrong time. Yet again. Kimber looked up, suddenly aware of something happening. Kimber roared and she lunged for Jackson, who was charging at them.

"Erica! Kimber!" Scott shouted loudly and then suddenly, Erica screamed in pain.

Kimber ran over to her quickly, kneeling down next to her and then, she saw that now Erica was starting to seize in her arms. "Hey. Just stay with me." She said as she was tossing the keys over to Scott. "My Camaro is faster! Go!" She ordered as she was helping Scott and Stiles, as they were carrying her out to the car.

Kimber pushed Scott out of the way and Jimmy came running, while Derek shook his head. "Hold her up." Derek ordered sharply and Jimmy was taking Stiles's place, holding up Erica as Derek shook his head. "Break and bleed?" He asked.

"Break and bleed. Now!" Jimmy said and Derek brought out his claws, before Erica was screaming in pain. Kimber was taking her pain, while Jimmy did as much as he could. "Erica, stay with us." Jimmy said and she was shaking, before the seizure was finally over and Jimmy sighed with relief.

"That's how we feel, every time that you come back from one." Derek said as Jimmy was leaving Erica with Stiles and he walked to the other side of the room.

Jimmy unzipped the bag of clothes and then he was pulling off his blood-soaked shirt, as he changed into a new one and he shook his head. "You know who it is." Scott said and then he was looking over at them, as Jimmy was rejoining their little group and he sat down on top of a nearby table.

Derek sighed, before he nodded slightly at the words. "Jackson." Derek admitted and he was looking at Kimber, who sat next to him on the other side.

"You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you?" Scott sounded almost accusatory and Derek nodded slightly. Right before Scott let out a sigh of his own. "I'm gonna help you stop him... as part of your pack. If you want me in, fine." Derek looked up in surprise at the words, while Jimmy even removed his earbuds at the words. "But, we will do it on one condition-- we're gonna catch him, not kill him."

"And?" Derek asked, knowing full-well that there was always more to come, whenever Scott had conditions like this.

"And we do it my way." Scott declared swiftly and Kimber glanced over at Derek and Jimmy, as they both shrugged.

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