26. Venomous

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"Well, I think that you have sufficiently terrified him." Kimber remarked and Derek looked over at her. "He is paralyzed on the floor, Derek. From the neck down from a single drop of Kanima venom." Kimber said and she gestured to Jackson, who was swiftly shaking on the floor. "So. How's Jimmy?" She asked.

"Whatever the hell that Kanima venom actually does to druids besides the standard paralyzing effects, it is still affecting him. He wakes up and it's like he is almost... It is almost like he is having an allergic reaction to the venom." Derek said as Kimber sighed quietly.

"So, we take him to the hospital?" Kimber asked and suddenly, they both heard a loud thud. Derek and Kimber took off quickly up the stairs, stopping in the doorway to see that Jimmy was standing upright and looking down at the body of Isaac, who was unconscious.

"What happened?" Derek asked.

"This guy decided to try and kill me, just to get a good night's sleep." Jimmy stated and Derek looked at him. "The venom is out, actually this time. I can tell the hallucinations from reality again, which is great. So, does anyone want to catch me up on what's been happening?" Jimmy asked.

"Derek tested Jackson to see if he was the Kanima. Jackson is paralyzed on the floor downstairs from the neck down. Erica is being irritating as usual, Isaac is on the floor, and Boyd is... Well, Boyd is just being his usual quiet self." Kimber said and Derek looked down at her. "What? He asked for an update, I gave him one." She said.

"You're a real pain in my ass." Derek remarked and Kimber shrugged.

"I'm your little sister, isn't that my job or something?" Kimber asked and Derek was growling quietly at her, before she held out one of her hands to him. Derek pulled the keys to the Camaro out of his pocket and he handed them over to her. "Thank you." She said as she walked out of the loft.

"So, is that all I missed?" Jimmy asked.

"Pretty much, yeah." Derek admitted and Jimmy nodded. "She is just much faster at talking than I am." He said.

"Well, she is more social than you are. She also goes to school, which requires speaking and your constant growling doesn't help with social skills." Jimmy was definitely not at all mincing words.

"Have I ever told you that you're a major pain in the ass?" Derek asked.

"Do you want me to answer that honestly or what?" Jimmy wondered as Derek sighed at the words. "Have I had any more seizures while the venom was in my system?" He asked and Derek looked at him, before he was shaking his head.

"No. But how do you know the difference between your epileptic seizures and your druid ones?" Derek asked as Jimmy sighed quietly.

"Because I can never actually remember my epileptic ones." Jimmy said as he was looking down at his shaking hands. "So, who is your next suspect for being the Kanima?" He asked and Derek nodded.

"Lydia. Since she was bitten by Peter." He said and Jimmy shrugged. "I need you to keep an eye on Kimber when you can, she trusts you more than she trusts me." Derek stated.

"All right, will do." Jimmy said as he was walking up the stairs to his room quickly.

The next morning, Kimber was sitting in Chemistry class and hating herself for not being able to stop what was coming. Lydia had eaten the crystal and there were no side effects.

"I'm sorry, Kimber."

Kimber's claws were buried into her own palm, blood was beginning to seep through her fingers from her clenched fist.

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