16. Wolf's Bane

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"Keep going!" Kimber shouted and Jimmy was quickly driving off, with Scott and Stiles screaming in the back of the Camaro as Jimmy hit the gas harder, nearly putting the pedal to the floor.

"You are going to have to get into the backseat with Scott and Stiles, Kimber. This is going to be close, really close." Jimmy said and his eyes flashed, speeding up. "Is she still right behind us?" Jimmy asked, focusing on the road ahead of them.

"Yeah!" Stiles said in a panicked tone of voice and Kimber was shaking her head as she listened to the noise all over the ironworks and she was shaking her head quickly.

"Come on Derek, you have to make it." She whispered. "Come on Derek. Please." Kimber said and Jimmy looked over at her.

"I have seen him come out from much worse than this, Kimber. You know better than even me, how much survival experience Derek has." Jimmy pointed out. "He will make it in time." Jimmy said and then Kimber looked up suddenly, her eyes glowing. "Kimber?"

"He was just scaring off the canines." She said and Jimmy nodded, shifting gears as he sped up and Kimber was unbuckling.

"Get in!" Kimber screamed at her brother and Derek's eyes briefly glanced up over at Chris Argent, before Derek raced off and he was jumping into the passenger seat. "Go, Jimmy, go!" She said and as soon as the door was slamming shut, Jimmy hit the gas pedal and they roared off into the night.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott snapped at Derek as Jimmy was shaking his head, shifting gears quickly.

"Damn it, I had him!" Derek said and he slapped the dashboard in frustration.

"The alpha?"

"Yes! He was right in front of me and then the freaking police showed up!" Derek said angrily and Kimber was hugging him awkwardly with one arm from where she was stuck between the right side of the car and Stiles Stilinski, who had taken over the middle of the car.

"Whoa, hey. They are all just doing their jobs." At the look on Derek's face, Stiles shut up and Derek was shaking his head with an angry growl.

"Yeah. Thanks to someone here, who decided to make me, the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!" Derek snapped at Scott, who was shaking his head.

"Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake, I get it!" Scott said as he was staring at them from the backseat.

"Derek?" Jimmy interjected after Scott and Stiles were getting nowhere and Kimber was now sitting with her hands over her ears as she was trying to block out all of the noise.

"What?" Derek asked defensively and Jimmy's eyes narrowed at him, before Derek sighed and waited.

"They need to know, Der. Especially if the dynamic duo of Scott and Kimber, are going to help us find the Alpha." Jimmy reasoned and Derek sighed heavily.

"I hate it when you're right." Derek muttered and Jimmy half-smiled at the words, before he sighed. "Look, the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first thing was a guy named Harris."

"Our chemistry teacher?" Stiles asked in some clear confusion.

"He is the only teacher that I really don't like. Which is ironic, because I think that he might like me for some reason." Kimber added almost absentmindedly.

"Why him?" Scott interjected.

"I don't know yet." Derek remarked very irritably and Jimmy continued driving and he was looking around, scanning carefully for any possible police cars.

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