29. Raving

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Jimmy was already at the Animal Clinic as he was inspecting the jars that Deaton had, while he also had a big briefcase of his own herbs and things. Jimmy looked up at the sound of Scott unlocking the door.

Kimber walked into the Animal Clinic and she was rolling her shoulders, cracking her neck as she was fidgeting repeatedly. "What's he doing here?" Scott asked suspiciously as Isaac walked real quickly into the Animal Clinic after Derek, who was looking over at him.

"I need him." Derek replied simply as Kimber was tucking herself under his arm again, not wanting to leave them alone.

"Well, I don't trust him." Scott muttered irritably.

Isaac scoffed at the words and shook his head. "Yeah, well, he doesn't trust you, either." Isaac said harshly.

"You know what? And Derek doesn't really care." Derek said sarcastically, and Kimber was shaking her head. "Now, where's the vet? Is he gonna help us, or not?" Derek asked quickly.

"Right here." Jimmy said and Derek was glancing over at him in surprise as Deaton was walking after him, showing up against the wall as well.

"That depends..." Deaton stated, coming up from behind Jimmy. "Your friend, Jackson... Are we planning to kill him, or save him?" Deaton wondered.

"Kill him."

"Save him." Scott and Derek had spoken simultaneously and Jimmy glanced over at Derek, who sighed with a small nod of assent.

"Save him." Scott repeated and Deaton looked over at Jimmy, who nodded slightly and Jimmy walked over to the counter and he was popping open the briefcase, picking up two smaller boxes that were filled with jars of herbs, mountain ash and other substances that all had Celtic symbols on them.

Isaac reached out a hand to one of the jars and Derek caught him by the wrist, before he was shaking his head. "Watch what you touch." Derek said coldly.

"Ninety percent of this stuff could kill you Isaac, don't just start grabbing stuff." Jimmy said coldly and Isaac was staring at him. "I am a druid, Isaac." Jimmy pointed out icily.

Isaac swiftly now turning his attention away, away from Jimmy and focusing on Deaton, who was inspecting his jars full of symbols and things. "So, what are you then, some kind of witch?" Isaac asked him.

"No. I'm a veterinarian." Deaton replied drolly as Jimmy chuckled quietly under his breath, before he was focusing back on the task at hand. "Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin." Deaton said.

"Well, we're open to suggestions." Derek muttered and Jimmy sighed.

"I have nothing either." Jimmy said.

"Well, what about an effective offense?" Isaac asked.

"We already tried-- Kimber and I nearly took its head off, and Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up." Derek said and Jimmy closed up the briefcase quickly, putting it into the corner of the Animal Clinic with a sigh.

"Has it shown any weaknesses?" Deaton asked and then, Kimber was leaning against the wall.

"Well, one-- it can't swim." Derek swiftly explained and Kimber nodded, before she was walking over again.

"But does that also go for Jackson as well?" Deaton wondered.

"No." Scott explained and Kimber sighed.

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