09. Magic Bullet

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Kimber put her phone away, before she unlocked the back door and she pushed the sliding door up.

"Everyone, in." She ordered as Jimmy parked the Camaro and got out, walking over to them.

Kimber let out a loud growl, effectively shutting up all of the barking dogs and all in one go, while Jimmy was searching through the veterinarians supplies, while Derek got his shirt off.

"Oh my god." Kimber said at the sight of Derek's arm and Derek was looking at her, before she was shaking her head at it. "You should have told me sooner, maybe I could have gotten the bullet, before it had gotten this bad." She said.

"Too late now. Did you find the last resort solution?" Derek asked and Jimmy sighed at the words, before he slammed the object down onto the table as Stiles nearly choked at the sight of the saw.

"I still don't agree with this." Jimmy reminded Derek, who growled at him and Jimmy scoffed at him. "I stopped being scared of you after you nearly cut off my leg to protect me, Derek. Your growls, they don't scare me anymore." He said.

"Hey, you!" Stiles pointed at Jimmy. "Yeah, why can't you cut off his arm?" Stiles asked and Jimmy was quickly shaking his head at the words, but Derek already had the answer for Stiles.

"Jimmy needs to be here to cauterize the wound, in case it doesn't heal fast enough and the wolfsbane sets in again." Derek stated and Stiles groaned, shuddering in disgust as he was holding the saw.

"What about you?" Stiles asked, pointing at Kimber with the saw and she looked over at Derek.

"I need to hold my older brother's other hand for the pain." Kimber made the excuse up on the spot but it was true, since she was the only one who could actually take pain away. Well, other than Derek anyways but he couldn't take pain away from himself.

Then Kimber yelped, jumping backwards and Jimmy dodged the spray, as Derek was vomiting up black blood and Kimber's eyes went huge.

"We can't wait." Kimber said in a panicked tone as she was terrified, it was clear. "We can't wait anymore, not if his body is trying to heal itself!" She said and just when Stiles was about to cut off his arm, Scott swiftly came running in.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Scott shouted and Stiles laughed loudly with relief at the sight of him, until Derek fell unconscious, dropping the bullet into a grate as Jimmy was catching him, since he had the luck of standing behind him.

Jimmy was grunting with the effort of holding him up, clearly surprised by the weight of the unconscious werewolf. "Jesus Christ, he weighs a whole lot more than he looks." Jimmy said as he was lowering Derek onto the ground.

After Stiles was hitting Derek repeatedly and wasn't getting any reaction, Jimmy was pushing him to the side and Kimber's face shifted, her eyes glowed and her fangs were forcing her mouth open.

"DEREK!" She roared at the top of her lungs and incredibly loudly as then at the roaring, Derek's eyes finally snapped open again as Jimmy dragged him up onto his feet.

Jimmy slid the lighter over to Derek, who lit the powder on fire, and then, he crammed it into the bullet wound as he was screaming in agony. "That was way, way too close." Jimmy said as then he held out a hand to Derek, who was accepting the hand up.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked.

"Oh, except for the agonizing pain?" Derek sarcastically stated and without even waiting for an okay, Kimber threw her arms around her brother who winced. "Don't you ever hit me again."

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