05. Pack Mentality

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Melissa was on a night shift again and Kimber was originally planning to stay over with Satomi and the pack, but she had decided against it. Especially now since Scott was still a newly turned and bitten werewolf, that god only knows what he would get into, if she wasn't around to help him out.

Which was why when she heard the window in his room opening and the sound of somebody walking on the roof, Kimber's eyes snapped open as she heard a long, low and angry sounding howl.

Kimber's eyes glowed yellow as she was throwing on a jacket that she had stolen from Derek and she was jumping out onto the roof, racing off after Scott as she could follow his scent and she was racing down the road, running quickly. Kimber found herself running towards the high school and she brought out her claws as she ran.

Kimber stopped at the front of the school and she was listening and she was looking around at the area, trying to figure out where the alpha was, since he was trying to lead and just goad Scott into killing with it. Kimber was leaping up into the air, swiftly catching onto the roof of the school and she was running quickly across the roof until she was able to leap forward, flipping quickly to land on the ground, perfectly balanced.

Kimber was pushing her way onto the bus and she roared, quickly kicking off one side of the bus and leaping over the man that was being attacked as well.

Kimber was going right for the alpha in her attack as she was clawing at the red eyes, as it was howling with fury. The alpha grabbed her by the jacket and it easily flung her down the aisle, knocking her into Scott and flattening them both.

Kimber was the first one back up and she was roaring at the alpha, and for the first time, Scott was seeing her face completely shifted. Kimber was suddenly clawed across the face by the alpha and she was screaming with pain.

Kimber was running away, stupidly turning her back on the alpha, but she couldn't see a damn thing. In sheer desperation, she was throwing back her head as she was howling for help.

Kimber was sitting against a nearby tree and she was lying there for what seemed like forever, but she was probably only there for a few minutes as someone was running over to her. "Hey Kimber... Kimber!" It was Derek and his voice was sort of echoing as she was only seeing a blurry outline of his face. "I have got you, okay? Come here."

Kimber was dimly aware of Derek picking her up and he was carrying her somewhere at werewolf speed, she could feel the wind and Derek was banging on the door of an apartment. "Jimmy!" Derek shouted and he was banging on the door again. "Jimmy, open the door!" He banged on it again and again, until somebody opened the door.

It was a girl, who opened the door and Derek glared at her. "Where's Jimmy?" He asked coldly, before he decided not to wait and he was pushing past her, going quickly into the apartment.

They found Jimmy in bed as he was yawning, before he saw that Derek was carrying Kimber. Jimmy's eyes narrowed and he was getting up, quickly kicking the girl out of his apartment and he was locking the door behind her.

Jimmy walked into the living room again where Derek had put Kimber down on the couch and Jimmy was crouching down next to her, before he was turning her head to look at him. "What the hell happened to her?" Jimmy asked and Derek sighed.

"Th-the alpha." Kimber whispered and Jimmy was looking at her, before he was nodding. "Is my eye going to heal?" She asked and Jimmy's hands were glowing briefly, as he was resting them over her face and she was closing her eyes.

Kimber woke up in the morning and she was blinking, grunting in pain as she was sitting up on the couch and she yelped in surprise, jumping a foot in the air when she was seeing, that Derek and Jimmy were both staring at her. "What is wrong with you two?" She asked indignantly as she was staring at them.

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