21. Omega

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"I still can't believe that you actually gave Jackson the bite." Kimber said as she was leaning just against a nearby seat of the old train car. "Am I wrong to say, that you are just hoping that it kills him?" Kimber asked and Derek glanced over at her.

"No comment." Derek replied simply and Kimber was glancing over at him, before she nodded. Because of that "no comment," it said everything that she needed to know for now. "What is going on with you over there, Jimmy? You're unusually quiet." Derek said and Jimmy sighed, before he was ripping the piece of paper out of his sketchbook and he was crumpling it up.

"I have got that feeling again." Jimmy muttered and both of the werewolves turned to look at him, Kimber's alarm was clear across her face. "Take it easy, Kimber. I don't think that it's going to happen right away..."

Kimber winced as she looked down at her fingers, which were tipped with claws and she was looking down at them.

"Kimber?" Derek stepped forward and he was looking at her, while he slowly moved in front of Jimmy. Recognizing that she was freaked out by something, but she couldn't tell what it was. "Kimber, you're okay." He said and she was looking at him.

"Someone's here. Somebody... There is somebody new in Beacon Hills." Kimber murmured and Derek looked over at her, before he sniffed and his eyes glowed red.

"Yeah." Derek said and then Kimber was quickly walking out of the train car and he was on her heels, grabbing his jacket as he went. "We will be back soon, Jimmy!" He called out over his shoulder and Jimmy was nodding, before they were disappearing.

Kimber felt the full moon rising and her control briefly slipped, before it returned and Derek glanced over at her. "I'm okay Der, I promise." Kimber said and Derek looked at her, before he slowly nodded at the words.

"You've been having trouble." Derek said and Kimber sighed.

"Yeah, sort of. I guess." Kimber mumbled and Derek caught onto her wrist, before she could go any further. "What is it?" She asked and Derek sighed.

"If there is something that's messing with your control, then I need to know about it. I especially need to know, considering that I will need more betas soon." Derek said and Kimber looked up at him.

"Will I still have a place in the pack with your new Betas coming in?" Kimber asked quietly, almost timid and Derek stared down at her, almost like she had grown a second head.

"Of course you will! What a dumb question from you, Kimber. Our family always comes first, you know that." Derek said and Kimber was hugging him, while Derek smiled at the action. "Was that it? Being worried about your place in my pack?" He asked.

"Basically. But also, why haven't you said anything to Jimmy?" Kimber asked as Derek groaned at the words. "Come on, Derek! You still haven't said anything to him and it is clearly driving you both nuts." She said and Derek glanced at her.

"You are a Grade A and an absolute pain in the ass, did you know that?" Derek asked as Kimber smirked at the words.

"Absolutely, I know. And I'm damn well proud of it too." Kimber said and Derek was musing up her hair, before she pushed him back and they were continuing on their way.

"Okay, fine. There is one other thing." Kimber admitted and Derek glanced over at her with an amused look in his eyes. "You might not like it though."

"If you're about to say that you have a boyfriend or that you're pregnant... I might need to have the talk with you." Derek said and Kimber was staring at him.

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