17. Wolf's Bane

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Jimmy found himself standing in the hallway of Beacon Hills High School, his eyes widening as he looked around. "What the hell am I doing back here?" He wondered, until he noticed something on the wall.

The lockers were each numbered wrong, it looked like they were numbered with a date and Jimmy's eyes widened.

"B.F." Jimmy murmured softly as he was brushing his fingers against the locker and he was nodding. "Before fire." He said and then, he continued walking down the hallway, trying to find the memories that he was actually looking for.

Jimmy opened a locker that was labeled "last week" and he was thrown headfirst into a whirlwind of memories.

They were back at the Animal Clinic.

Jimmy watched from the doorway, briefly seeing him and Derek facing off.

Before Derek moved at werewolf speed for a run and suddenly, Jimmy was flying over the exam room table and then, he went crashing into the wall. Jimmy felt something crack and he spat blood onto the floor and he grunted in pain. Jimmy felt blood leaking from a cut on his cheek as well, groaning in pain.

But what Jimmy hadn't seen the first time around, was how much pain was written on Derek's face. Derek was looking over at Jimmy, who didn't want to look at him as he felt his ribs trying to heal.


It was another memory. This time, the memory was one that Jimmy hadn't been present for.

"Do you even fucking care?" Kimber shouted.

"Of course I care!" Kimber was looking at Derek, surprised by the sudden surge of raw emotions in his tone. "You know that I care about him, Kimber. You have been freaking insufferable about it, ever since we came back to Beacon Hills." He muttered.

"Derek, why don't you just tell him?" Kimber asked.

"Because I'm afraid that I will just run him off, okay?" Derek said quietly and Kimber's eyes flashed at him. "Can't you all see that I'm freaking hating myself for what I did to him, as much as all of you seem to hate me right now?" He asked, practically shouting and Kimber silently gave him a hug.

"I do care about him Kim. But I don't need to drive him away. I have already done that with enough people." Derek quietly admitted and Kimber looked at him, before she nodded.


Jimmy yanked his hand back and he touched his fingers to his face, gently brushing his fingers under his nostrils and he was looking at the blood. "You believe me now?" Derek asked as Jimmy looked over at him, before he nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me? About all of that before I did anything else?" Jimmy asked and Derek shook his head at him. "I like you too, even if you insist on pretending like you don't like me."

"I never said... You're messing with me." A nod came from Jimmy as Derek sighed. "You really know which buttons to push, huh?"

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