14. Vendetta

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Kimber turned around with a screaming cry, and by then, the Alpha's claws pierced Derek through the back and his blood was spurting out of his mouth. Kimber brought out her claws and didn't even have time to get the roar out, before the Alpha's claws pierced her stomach and Kimber's cry was abruptly cut off.

Kimber could feel her vital organs already trying to heal as she was stumbling over to Derek, who was lying flat on the ground and he was trying to heal. "Derek. Derek!" She said and he groaned. Kimber was relieved to see that he was still alive as she was shaking her head. "Get up. Can you walk?" She asked and Derek was shaking his head.

"My spine, it hasn't healed." Derek said as Kimber was looking around at the area and she was narrowing her eyes.

"Derek?" She asked and he was staring at her. "How much would you trust me with your car?" Kimber asked and Derek was groaning, before she was dragging him as fast as she could over to the Camaro.

Kimber got Derek buckled into the passenger seat and he was able to sit up on his own, which was an improvement at least and Kimber was looking at the car quickly, before she backed the car out and she was throwing it into gear, driving off.

"You're actually an okay driver... For somebody who still doesn't have a license... Watch out! Holy shit!" Derek yelled in a panic and then he was grabbing the handle above the seat.

The handle that Kimber had lovingly named the "Stiles is a maniac driver" or another one is the "oh, holy shit!" bar and Kimber had to crank the wheel to avoid missing the turn.

"Sorry." Kimber said worriedly to him with a rather painful grimace on her face, while Derek was looking at her with a chuckle.

"Well, I did always say that I would teach you to drive. Remember?" Derek asked and Kimber grinned at the words, before they were pulling into the apartment building. "I doubt that Jimmy will let me in." Derek said and Kimber scoffed.

"You're a werewolf and he is a druid, who came here from New York with you. If there is anybody that he will let in when injured and when he is distrusting, it would definitely be you." Kimber said and he was looking at her, before she was getting out of the car and hissing sharply in pain and then, she remembered her own open wound. "Oh crap... I bled on the seats." Kimber said.

"We can get them cleaned, or replaced later... We need to get some poultice or some shit, maybe Jimmy can kick our healing into overdrive." Derek said and she was looking at him, before she nodded and Kimber was slinging his arm across her neck as she was half-pulling him along and half-supporting him.

Kimber banged on the door and she was staring at it when she was hearing footsteps behind it but he wasn't coming to the door. "Jimmy!" She said loudly and she was quickly banging on the door again, before he was flinging the door open to the apartment and stopped at the sight of them.

Jimmy, he looked like he had just been in the middle of patching himself up, since he had bandages of some funky-smelling stuff on his ribs and Kimber looked at him. "We need your help, please." She said and since she was holding Derek, her blood continued to leak down the front of her shirt.

"Get in here." Jimmy said and although his tone was reluctant, he still didn't refuse to let the duo in and the two werewolves were limping into the room. Derek was grunting and then he was leaning forward on the couch, since his spine was still healing from the alpha's claws. "Hey. What the hell happened?"

"The alpha. It got me through the stomach and Derek through the spine, so... I, uh... had to drive us here." Kimber said as she looked at her stomach, which was finally healing as she watched it closing.

"It got you through the spine?" Jimmy asked and Derek nodded. "Okay, you're going to have to turn around. Kimber, go and get me the first aid kit. It's already out and on the kitchen table, from what I was doing. Grab the mortar and pestle too." Jimmy said and Derek was grunting in pain. "I need to see what I'm working with. Lose the jacket and the shirt." He said and Derek growled at him, before he nodded.

By the time that Kimber had gotten back into the living room with the mortar and pestle and plus the first aid kit, Jimmy was watching as the wound was mostly healing itself. "I have never seen a serious, normally mortal wound healing this fast on a werewolf in my life." Jimmy said and then the claw marks were disappearing, the blood was going back into Derek's body and the wounds, they were closed. "Well, I guess that you guys didn't need me after all." Jimmy said and Kimber put the stuff down.

"Well, I have had enough excitement for one night." Kimber declared as she was disappearing into Jimmy's room to change out of her bloody clothes. Jimmy went into the kitchen and he was putting on a pot of coffee, before he was finishing up with his own injuries.

Jimmy was sitting at the kitchen table and he was packing up the first aid kit, ready to bundle it away until he needed it again. "If you were a werewolf like us, you really wouldn't need to spend a bunch of money on first aid." Jimmy zipped up the kit at Derek's words and he was putting it back under the sink quickly.

"I wouldn't accept the bite, even if somebody offered it to me." Jimmy replied evenly and he was grabbing a hoodie from a hook on the wall, zipping it up quickly over the bandages on his ribs. "I am a druid, not a wolf. I'm meant to be the advisor to the pack, not an actual part of it."

"That depends on who you ask. Who says it can't be both? That's what Laura and you agreed, wasn't it?" Derek remembered and Jimmy sighed.

"Is there any way that this alpha could be a surviving member of your family?" Jimmy asked and he turned around to look at him, while Derek raised his eyebrows at the questions. "I woke up earlier today and this had shown up." Jimmy said as he unzipped his hoodie and on his shoulder, there was the vendetta spiral on his shoulder. "I wouldn't have got this tattooed, Derek. It showed up and there is a message behind it, I'm sure of it."

"There is nobody else who survived the fire, Jimmy. I would have seen it by now and Peter, he is in a coma. I checked just this past morning." Derek said as Jimmy sighed at the words, before he was nodding. "There has to be something else that we're missing."

"Yeah, well... Let's just hope that Scott is still alive by the end of this." Jimmy muttered as he limped over to the couch and he was sitting down, wincing in pain.

"Are you going to hit me with a burst of power if I sit down here?" Derek asked and Jimmy glanced at him, before he shook his head and Derek sat down. "You're in pain." Derek noted bluntly as he opened his hand and Jimmy glanced at him, before he reluctantly shifted around so that Derek's hand was resting on his arm.

Derek took a deep breath and Jimmy felt the pain leeching away. "Thanks." Jimmy admitted and Derek nodded, before he was taking his hand back and Jimmy was looking up at the sound of the coffee pot going. "Damn it." Jimmy muttered but before he could get up, Derek was quickly grabbing a big cutting board, two mugs and the coffee pot and putting it all on the coffee table. "Thanks." Jimmy muttered and Derek was nodding, before he was quickly grabbing a mug of his own.

"I injured you, it's the least that I can do." Derek pointed out and Jimmy was lying down on the couch, silently sipping at the coffee. "I guess we would have heard if Scott was dead by now, he would have been howling before then." Derek said and Jimmy was nodding, before he was putting his mug down on the table again.

"True." Jimmy mumbled and when Derek glanced over at him again, Jimmy was swiftly and soundly asleep. Derek smiled slightly, before he was also trying to fall asleep himself.

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