30. Party Guessed

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Jimmy led the way into the rail depot while Kimber was following him silently, shaking her head as she was still feeling the effects from the wolfsbane.

"Sit." He said to Kimber, pointing down at the seat and she did so. Not having the voice or the strength to argue with him, while Jimmy got her an entire case of water bottles and Kimber started drinking them all quickly.

"I'm saying we need a new plan, because next time, one of us is going to be too hurt to heal." Derek reasoned as he was sitting down. "And Jimmy can't carry more than one of us at a time." Derek said and Jimmy sighed.

"I mean, I could. It just wouldn't turn out great." Jimmy muttered as he sat down in between the two Hales and he felt almost as exhausted as Kimber looked.

Scott sighed at the words, before he was nodding reluctantly. "Ugh, I get it-- we can't save Jackson." Scott finally admitted it for them all to hear.

Derek grimaced quietly at the thought. "We can't seem to kill him, either. I've seen a lot of things, Scott. I've never seen anything like this. Every new moon's just gonna make him stronger." Derek remarked grimly and Jimmy watched both of the werewolves, as Kimber was already almost asleep.

"But how do we stop him?" Scott asked.

"I don't know." Derek admitted. "I-I don't even know if we can." Derek's voice was full of defeat. Jimmy reached over and grabbed one of Derek's hands in his.

"Maybe we should just let the Argents handle it..." Scott toyed with the idea

"I'm the one who turned him, Scott. It's my fault." Derek reminded him.

"Yeah, but you didn't turn him into this! I mean, this happened because of something in his past, right?" Jimmy was shaking his head at how naive Scott was.

Derek scoffed quietly at the words. "That's a legend in a book. It's not that simple." Derek admitted quietly.

"What do you mean? What aren't you telling me?" Scott asked.

"Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you?" Derek asked at once and Jimmy chuckled.

"Maybe because you always are?" Jimmy murmured and Derek glared at him.

"Because you always are keeping something from me!" Scott called out pointedly.

"Well, maybe I do it to protect you." Derek pointed out and after Scott was glaring over at him. Before Derek sighed, before he was nodding. "Go home, Scott. Sleep. Heal. Make sure your friends are safe... 'Cause the full moon's coming, and with the way things are going, I've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one."

After Scott had left, Kimber was going upstairs and Jimmy glanced at Derek, who was shaking his head. "There is nothing wrong with you, Derek. You have three betas and then Jackson... Well, Jackson was always a snake. You said it yourself." He pointed out.

"Are you still okay to help me with them tomorrow?" Derek asked and Jimmy nodded at the question. "Okay then. Because, I really wouldn't blame you if you didn't help. You are a druid, you don't heal like we do." He muttered quietly.

"I'm fully aware of that, Derek. I am right here to help you and to advise, there is a reason that this showed up on my thirteenth birthday." Jimmy tugged his shirt to the side over his chest to reveal the triskele that was branded onto his skin. "Three weeks later, you guys found me on the streets." Jimmy said and Derek sighed.

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