The Barista is My Muse

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(Coffee shop/Artist AU because I thought of it while climbing a ladder at work and can't stop thinking about the prompt! Will constantly visits a small coffee shop/cafe, one of the baristas caught his eye. The artist decides to sketch the boy.)

~Will POV~

I tapped my pencil on my sketchbook page. I can't think of anything to draw.

"Will! Coffee for Will!" The barista called.

I went over to the counter.

"Yeah, that's mine." I said.

The barista handed over my coffee. I took and went back over to my seat at the window. Sipping my coffee, I glanced around the shop. My eyes landed on the barista who'd given me my coffee. I got a better look at him. He's cute. Long inky black hair tied in a low and curled ponytail, deep coffee colored eyes, nice light olive skin, and his wispy bangs fell over his thin face like a dark veil. I looked at my sketchbook and started sketching out basic shapes.

{That Evening}

"Anything today?" My dormmate and half-brother, Austin, asked as I closed the door of our dorm. "Find any inspiration?"

I looked at my sketchbook and smiled.

"Yeah. I did." I answered. "You know that coffee shop I always go to?"

"Yeah? You found inspiration there?" He asked. "Something change?"

"Well, there's a new barista." I told him.

"Details." He stated. "I need details."

I flipped the pages of my sketchbook.

{About A Week}

~Nico POV~

I glanced over at the guy at table 7. A hot blonde boy. He comes in everyday and he's always drawing something.

"Who's that?" I asked my coworker.

"Hm? That's Will. He's a regular customer." Clarisse told me. "He's bi if that's what you're wondering."

I looked over at the blonde again. He'd been looking at me but looked away once I'd looked at him.

~Will POV~

He saw me looking! He probably thinks I'm a creep! I glanced at the barista from the corner of my eye. He's staring at me? No. Glaring at me. Shit! He thinks I'm a weirdo, doesn't he? I looked down at my sketchbook.

"Oi, Will!" Clarisse snapped, next to me.

She put a napkin with a cookie on the table.

"Someone asked me to give you a cookie." She said.

"Who?" I asked.

She glanced at the counter and I followed her gaze. The cute barista looked away. I scribbled in the corner of one of my sketches then tore out the page and handed it to Clarisse.

"Could you give this to him?" I asked Clarisse.

She scoffed and walked off. I looked at my sketchbook and smiled to myself.

~Nico POV~

I looked at Will. He kept drawing and didn't even touch the cookie. I frowned and busied myself with the coffee machine.

"Here." Clarisse said, holding a piece of paper to me.

I took it and looked at it. Drawings and doodles of me with dates from the last week by each one. In the corner 'Here's my number, call or text me some time'. I glanced over at Will.

{Several Hours Later}

~Will POV~

I slipped on my pajama shorts and plain white T-shirt. My phone buzzed on my bed.

"It's 11pm, who's texting me?" I muttered, grabbing the stupid device.

Unknown Number
It's Nico
The barista from The Furies Coffee Shop
You probably won't get this until morning but I was hoping we could get lunch some time

The barista! His name's Nico? Cute name...

I'd love to!
By the way, my name's Will!

Nico - Cute Barista🍪☕
You're awake

I was just about to lay down when you texted me

Nico - Cute Barista🍪☕
I'm sorry
I didn't mean to bother you

It's okay
I was starting to think you weren't going to text me
You mentioned getting lunch
How about tomorrow?

Nico - Cute Barista🍪☕
Tomorrow works
I have off

So I won't see you at the coffee shop?

Nico - Cute Barista🍪☕
I didn't say that
I'll be there about 11:30 to pick you up

I'll see you then!

Nico - Cute Barista🍪☕

See you tomorrow

I put my phone on my bedside table and snuggled under my warm comforter, too excited for tomorrow to sleep.

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