Surprise Date

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(Will decides it'd been too long since he and Nico had a date. Yes, they hadn't made it official but Will knew the longer he waited for another date, the longer he'd have to wait for Nico to make it official. Saturday edit: I forgot to add a meme.)

~Will POV~

I finished setting things up then went to look for Nico. Where would that boy be on a nice day like today? Definitely not outside, that's for sure.

{Half An Hour Later}

Nico wasn't anywhere that I could see him. To be honest, I haven't seen him since dinner last night. He wasn't at his usual hiding spot, that'd have ruined the surprise. Percy Jackson skewered a dummy at the training pavilion.

"Hey, Percy. Do you know where Nico is?" I asked Jackson as I went over to him.

"If he's not hiding somewhere out here then probably the Hades cabin." He replied. "If he didn't shadow travel over to Camp Jupiter or down to the Underworld."

I frowned. I hadn't considered him leaving camp.

"I'll go check his cabin." I said. "Thanks, Percy."

I headed over to the cabins. Cabin 13 stood out more than the others. All the cabins are different but none of the others are basically pure black. I knocked on the door. No response. Why did I knock? He never answers the door. I twisted the doorknob and pushed the door but something blocked it from opening. I pushed it open enough to poke my head inside. Nico glared up at me. He'd been sitting in front of the door.

"You could've just said it was you." He spat.

"Would you have opened the door?" I asked.

"" He muttered.

I smiled at him.

"Come on, death boy." I said. "I got something to show you."

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's a surprise." I answered.

He wrinkled his nose.

"I know, I know." I sighed. "You don't like surprises but just come with me!"

"Stop begging." He muttered. "Get out of my cabin and let me get dressed."

I smiled then backed out and closed the door.

{A Quarter Hour Later}

I dragged Nico by his hand into the woods.

"Will...where are you taking me?" Nico asked, obviously anxious.

"Somewhere. We'll be there soon." I said. "Don't worry."

"I'm very worried..." He mumbled.

I rubbed my thumb on his hand. Finally, we made it.

"Surprise!" I said, turning to look at Nico.

Nico stayed quiet, staring at the picnic I'd set up. A black and gold checkered blanket, a picnic basket, and different colored rose petals scattered everywhere.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

Nico remained quiet but switched from staring at the picnic to staring at me. His eyes dug into me. I shifted nervously and looked back at the picnic. it too much for him? Maybe he doesn't like this kind of stuff? Did I mess up?

I felt a squeeze around my midsection. I looked down. Nico hugged me. He muttered something under his breath that sounded like "I love" but I didn't get that last word.

"How about we get this date started?" I asked.

He nodded and let go of me, his face noticeably red. I sat on the blanket and Nico sat next to me.

"I packed Gatorade, juice, sandwiches, and some snacks." I said, taking a bottle of Gatorade out of the basket.

I uncapped and sipped it. Nico placed his hand on mine and pulled the bottle from my mouth then gently placed his lips on mine. My face heated up. When Nico pulled away, I stared at him. His beautiful dark brown eyes glittered like smoky quartz.

"Was...was that stupid?" He blushed. "Should I not have done that?"

"It's fine. I liked it." I said, dumbly.

He chuckled. He thinks I'm an idiot, doesn't he?

{About An Hour Later}

~Nico POV~

Will reached over with a napkin, wiping something off my cheek. I blushed and he smiled. Slowly, I scooted closer to him and leaned on his shoulder. Will made a sound, not an uncomfortable sound but a quiet, happy squeak.

"Don't be weird." I hissed.

He squeaked again then put his arms around me. I looked up. His eyes are a beautiful blue like light colored zaffiri, er I mean light colored sapphires.

Will leaned down and connected our lips. He's so warm...I blushed as we pulled apart and Will had a slight glow around him.

"That's so weird..." I muttered. "You're like a glow stick."

"The guy who can summon skeletons and was displaced from his time thinks it's weird I glow." He rolled his eyes.

He kissed my cheek and I laughed. He kept kissing my cheek, making me laugh until I shoved him over causing me to get pulled down. We lay on the blanket, laughing. Will laughed and held me tightly against his chest. The feeling of his chest as he laughed relaxed me.

"I...I...ha..." Will said, trying to stop laughing. "Th...ha...this..."

I rested my chin on his chest and watched him try to calm himself. He clapped his hand next to mine and I gently grabbed it. I traced the lines on his hand with my thumb. Slowly, Will's laughter died and he closed his hand around mine.

"Isn't...isn't this nice?" Will asked, catching his breath. "Just the two of us as..."

He stopped himself.

"" I asked.

He blushed.

" don't know..." He said, awkwardly but hopefully. "... boyfriends...?"

He sounded like he wasn't sure. I smiled and pressed my lips on his.

"It is nice." I said.

He smiled and kissed me. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. My eyes started to close.

~Will POV~

Nico made a small sound. A...snore? Did he really fall asleep? I chuckled and held him. I grinned as Nico nuzzled against me. My boyfriend. My boyfriend. My boyfriend. My boyfriend.

"Cute..." I mumbled.

The ravenette shifted, wrapping his arms around me as he slept.

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