Too Late

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It was eleven o'clock and Shota Aizawa stood at the class 1-A dorms. He had just finished a call with Hizashi promising him to finally come home on time for a small in-home-date. There were promises of his favourite foods, so he was rather excited (even if he didn't admit it). He just needed to check on the kids first and he would be done shortly. He looked at the remaining members of the class that were still up.

" Why aren't you in bed yet?"

" Oh hey Aizawa-sensei!"

" We were just finishing up our reading session."

" Are Kirishima and Midoriya back yet?"

" Yeah they are in their rooms now." Uraraka answered while packing her bag.

" I see. Well, if there isn't anything you need, then I'll just go. Good night and see you tomorrow." He exited the building. The air around him was cool, and the breeze was a nice change for the hot summer day. Soonit would be autumn and rain season, but they could enjoy the warmth a littlelonger. A door opened behind him and there was a voice.

" Uh sensei? There was a large crash upstairs. I think you should have a look..." Jiro spoke with a hint of urgency. And there goes his evening plans. Shota could almost hear his husbands voice, nagging about another ruined date.

" Alright, where exactly did you hear it coming from?" He rubbed his eyes.

Soon Aizawa stood infront of Izuku Midoriya's dorm room. He wasn't really surprised that the resident problem child was the culprit behind the noise. He raised his hand and knocked, soft at first but then louder when no one answered. Aizawa had hoped there to be a logical explanation, but as the minutes flew past and there was no noise, worry bubbled inside his heart. Could Jiro have heard wrong? Maybe it was something else entirely. But then again why didn't Midoriya wake up? He had to know if his student was okay.

He opened the lock with a master key and flicked the lights on. Two words: big mistake.

Shota, for a second, froze and every hair in his body stood up. There was blood. On the bed. On the floor. On a desk. It was fresh and glittered in the light like some sort of a precious stone. First thing that came to his mind was an attack. The league had managed to kidnap one of his students or worse, kill him. Then he saw the small blade on the floor and heard water running in the bathroom. The door wasn't closed so he could easily see Izuku hunched over the bathtub and about to fall. Quickly he opened the door wider and caught the unconscious boy.

Aizawa could do nothing but run down the common room stairs and out the door. The other students had already gone to bed so there wouldn't be any prying eyes. As fast as he could Shota dialled Chiyo's number, begging for her to not be asleep with any noise cancelling headphones on.

" Hello? Shota what-"

" Chiyo! You need to get here ASAP!"

" What is going on?! Was there a-"

" Izuku Midoriya tried committing suicide. I just found him inside his room, bleeding."

" I-I'll be there soon." Shota put the phone in his pocket and ran even faster for the medical wing.

Recovery girl arrived there in a flash and looked at the boy laying on the bed. He was pale, dark circles lined his eyes and there was blood on his clothes. Aizawa had tried to bandage his wrist to stop the bleeding the best he could and that might have truly been the only thing keeping him alive. At this point there was nothing to be done and she tried explaining as much.

" What do you mean nothing you can do? He almost died!" Aizawa must have heard wrong.

" You must understand Shota! The boy has NO energy left. Can't you see the dark circles? I'd say they almost match yours."

" But can't you do something?"

" Listen, I'll give him some fluids and redo those bandages. But then we will let him rest. I can try healing him in a couple of hours." She sighed.

Aizawa was at the verge of a breakdown. His student- no, his kid was about to die. The only thing keeping him alive was his makeshift bandages. His heart was pounding so hard it surely could be mistaken for a heart attack. He knew he had a few phone calls to make so he started by sitting down and calling his lovely husband. Hizashi picked up.

" Shota where the f-"

" Zashi I- Oh my god." He felt tears slipping down his cheeks.

" Sho. What happened? Where are you?" Aizawa let out a weak "Recovery girl" but that was enough for his better half to find him. There, sitting on a blue plastic chair was the love of his life, crying. Silently Mic crept over and hugged the man. It went on for a while and only then was he brave enough to ask.

" Sho, can you tell me what happened?"

" Midoriya- Izuku was- He almost killed himself. I can't-"

" Shh. Shh it's okay honey. You don't need to explain more." Yamada looked at the door that led to the infirmary.

" Did Chiyo manage to heal him?"

" No. N-not yet. She said that he didn't have enough energy yet. We have to wait." He sounded frustrated, but who could blame him. Hizashi was too.
He had just finished their dessert (which was supposed to be made by Shota...) when he got the call. The annoyance he had felt towards his husband dissipated immediately when Shota told him his location. The horrid image of Aizawa lying half dead in a hospital bed was enough to make him run faster than he ever had. Maybe there had been an attack in the school? Or someone's quirk got out of control?

Then he found out that it wasn't his Sho that was hurt but a student. A certain green haired, baby-faced student who had showed such potential at the sports festival.

Speaking of the student. Izuku was sleeping peacefully when the duo entered the room. They had informed Nezu on what had happened and he promised to call Inko Midoriya. They settled on either side of the boy and just waited. Minutes turned to hours and then, morning sun started to peek around the horizon.

When the child finally opened his eyes, Izuku's gaze was met with theirs and the two adults sighed with relief.

" What happened?"

Too Deep Too Late (Suicidal Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now