Conclusion: he's suicidal

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Izuku sat at the kitchen table, eating some of the most delicious grilled fish he'd ever had. Lunch Rush apparently prepared it for him just before they came inside, so it was still warm and crispy. Aizawa sat opposite of him, reading a newspaper while Present Mic was washing dishes. It looked weirdly domestic.

Most of the other adults had gone to their rooms, giving Izuku some space. It was heavily appreciated. Even still, Hound Do- no, Izuku was told to call him Inui when here, was watching tv on the couch. A show about something very colourful but not too loud.

" Alright Midoriya, we need to go over some things, if that's okay with you?" Izuku nodded.

" Here are some rules. We ask that you do not lock your doors or, go alone in places that have sharp objects or leave the school area. If you need something or need to go somewhere, please inform us. I also want you to know me and Inui-san have a spare key to your room in case anything happens, or we have a suspicion that you are a danger to yourself. Please don't close your door either. Now, any questions regarding what I just said?"

Izuku studied the table. There were different colours, streaks of lighter and darker wood going everywhere. He could tell it was real wood probably carved by hand. He wondered if he could take some classes and learn to carve something as beautiful.

" No, not really."

" Alright. Next, your mother. We were able to reach her in Tokyo, but she told the police there that she could not leave right away. She mentioned important work and interviews but promised to be in contact."

" Sounds like her. She's so busy and hard working all the time..."

" Let's move on to... Other things." Aizawa turned to look at Hizashi.

" If I hear you spreading this, I will hunt you down."

Mic took a seat next to Aizawa.

" We weren't going to tell any of the students but since you'll be staying here, we know it will come out eventually and, like, you're really smart you'll piece it together in no time and we just want you to feel comfortable- " Yamada rubbed his neck, nervous.

" What the idiot is trying to say is that we're married. Been, uhm, some years now."

" Wait, are you saying you don't remember our anniversary?!" Hizashi looked scandalized, one hand on his heart.

" I-I think I already k-knew..." Both adults whipped their heads around.

" Y-you are re-really close. Like, n-no one else can calm Aizawa-san down as fast as y-you and you s-seem to share this bond it's almost like brothers b-but..."

" That still doesn't fully explain-"

" B-but I saw you kiss once."

" God damnit, this is your fault."

" Me?! What did I do?" The blonde screamed.

Too Deep Too Late (Suicidal Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now