Yeah, that's something we need to talk about

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Aizawa set down the final box filled to the absolute brim with posters and minifigures. Never had All Might's smiling face annoyed him so much than after this experience. Hound Dog and him had been collecting all of the things that had no blood on them this whole morning and were in need of some strong coffee. It only really meant the posters on the walls, clothes and other belongings in the closet and rest of the things on the desk. 

Everything else was pretty much ruined, stained or broken and they were not about to touch them. Cementoss met them out in the hallway and helped carry the boxed to the teachers dorms.

" That's the last of them. The cleaners should be here soon. Give me the key." Aizawa handed the key to the hunting dog hero, who placed it on the door.

" Okay, let's go."

The cleaning crew Nezu sent turned out to be a high-end crime scene cleaning company who specialized in bodily fluid removal. Two men wearing large white suits stepped out of a car (disguised as a produce delivery company's truck) and walked inside. After some time they marched back down and declared "Yes, we need the heavy soakers. Bring the bleach and I'll get the machines." That sent shivers down the teachers spines.

They had left a window open, to try and filter out some of the smell, though Shota doubted that it was really helping much. It was going to smell like pure chemicals soon.

They walked out, Eraserhead to ready his upcoming class and Inui to see Izuku. The day seemed better than yesterday somehow. It wasn't as dark or gloomy, there were no rain clouds, and the wind wasn't as strong. It smelled of new and hopeful beginnings to Inui and he liked it. He let out a happy bark and went to get some coffee.

Taking his brown cup from the kitchen cabinet, the counsellor poured himself some of Nezu's premium coffee. It had been a Christmas gift to the staff but was almost gone due to a certain tired hero. He collected some files and his trusty pen and made his way towards medical. Chiyo exited the bathroom and the two exchanged pleasantries.

" Good morning. Here to see Midoriya I presume."

" Morning and yes. Is pup awake?"

" He is and in wonderful spirits! I healed the last of his injuries some time ago and he should be good to go."

" That's good to hear. I'll see you at lunch." He waved.


Okay somebody was fucking lying. Izuku looked horrible at worst, troubled at best. What on earth had happened between the morning and now (STILL BARKING MORNING). The green haired boy was slowly rocking back and forth on the bed, staring at his phone like it was clued to his hand. He looked positively terrified.

The hunting hero came closer.

" Izuku, are you okay?"

No response.

" Izuku, I'm going to take your phone now, okay?"

He took it from his hand, not looking at what had made Izuku so distressed, only setting it down on the side table.

" Izu, can you hear me? We are at the recovery wing, it's Thursday, twenty minutes past ten and you are okay. Can you look at me?"

Bit by bit, Izuku raised his head and looked at Inui's general direction. That's a good start, they can go from there.

" I am going to give you something to hold, okay? Like, uh, that- that scarf." He took a pink scarf out of a Lost and Found box.

" Scarf? Capture, scarf, Eraserhead." Izuku mumbled, still not fully present.

Too Deep Too Late (Suicidal Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now