Are we friends?

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Shiny heterochromic eyes studied their surroundings. It was really early, 5.50 to be exact, and Todoroki was on a mission. He had woken up early so that he could go see Midoriya before anyone could follow him. Midoriya had trusted him enough to tell him where he really was (well, not really but anyway) and Shoto was not about to break that trust.

Izuku Midoriya was a strange person. He was extremely self-sacrificing and kind-hearted, but also very shy and awkward with people. But who was he to judge when he didn't even have friends? Or maybe he did, if you count Yaoyorozu-san, who he knew from social gatherings and parties. And he guessed Midoriya counted too.

He had packed at least three notebooks, red pencils, granola bars, an apple, and a cotton candy lollipop for Izuku. Shoto wasn't stupid, he had seen some of the blood and connected the dots. Something had happened and now Izuku was at the infirmary, and it was bad enough that he couldn't leave yet. It must have not been due to a villain attack, otherwise the students would have been informed. He had to admit he was curious.

The school building opened at six o'clock for the teachers and staff, but it wasn't uncommon for the more hard-working students to go do some last-minute studying in the library. So as Todoroki was making his way around the school halls, he came across Ectoplasm opening some of the windows to let fresh air in.

" Good morning sensei."

" Oh, good morning. Heading to the library?"

" Yes."

" Good, good. Remember the math test on chapter two and three we have today. Though I'm sure your class president has informed you, he seems to take his job rather seriously." The teacher left to ready his classroom and Todoroki continued his way toward medical.

He slipped into the hallway and listened. No noise. He walked over to the infirmary door and knocked twice but received no response. He probably would have awkwardly stood there for the whole two hours before class, but luckily Izuku's green curls came into view when the door slid open a crack.

Shoto had no idea what to expect when Izuku opened the door. Maybe a broken arm or some band aids, or possibly a broken nose. But what greeted him was a deathly pale face, dark freckles looking even more prominent. Izu looked smaller than usual, his short stature shaking possibly from the cold and his hair looked tangled and messy.

" H-hey Todoroki-kun, good morning."

Izuku slid the door open.

" Come in before Recovery Girl catches you."

" Oh, thank you."

Now that Shoto could have a better look at the other boy he noticed thick bandages around his other wrist. On his other hand was an IV that Izuku dragged around.

" I-I look awful I know."

" A bit pale, yes."

Izuku raised an eyebrow.

" I brought you a notebook."

Too Deep Too Late (Suicidal Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now