Unavoidable conversation

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Later on, after the students were heading to lunch Aizawa got a call. All morning long his students had been giving sad glances at the empty desk behind Bakugou until the explosive blonde had screamed at them to stop. Tensions were high, suffocating even, and the whispering just wouldn't stop so imagine the relief Aizawa felt when the bell finally rang.

The call was to inform him about a certain green haired boy. Apparently, some of Izuku's stitches had come undone while he slept, and Recovery Girl requested somebody to come and keep an eye on him. After some careful calculations, if he runs fast enough down those stairs and has enough stealth when crossing that one hallway, he realized that he can completely avoid this day's responsibilities. 

Perfect! Just have to make sure Nezu won't spot him...

Sending a quick text back to Chiyo to let her know he'd be there shortly, Shota grabbed a coffee and a pillow. He figured it might be a long stay, so he also left a voice mail for Hizashi to call him later. When he finally got to the recovery wing, Shota noticed a student. 

Sitting on the first bed was Kinoko Komori from class 1-B. She reminded him of Uraraka with that short chocolate brown hair and small stature, though he couldn't for the life of him remember her quirk. On her knee was a large bruise. Oh well, it didn't matter. Shota didn't spare a second glance at her as he made his way towards the windows, towards the bed his kid was laying in.

Shota moved the curtain and stepped inside. Izuku was still sleeping, which he guessed was good. The kid truly needed it and Shota would be damned if he, or somebody else, woke Izuku up now. He would personally fight anyone for this child.

" Alright there we go. Now, you must take these painkillers twice a day and you should be good to go.

" T-thank you."

" You must improve your close combat fighting. What if a villain gets too close huh? Then these painkillers won't save you, you hear me?"

There was an affirmative hum and then the door closed.

" Has Vlad King been informed that his student needs improving? Close combat is something no one can avoid in our line of work."

Chiyo Shuzenji walked next to the other adult and sighed.

" I changed his IV and gave a small kiss on his knuckles after he tore the lower stitches. My healing wasn't enough to close all of the wounds properly, so we need to let him rest more. Physically he should be fine in a day or two but mentally..." She turned to him.

" Have you already spoken to Ryo? Or his mother, when is she coming?"

" Hound Dog promised to see him after school if Midoriya's awake then. As for his mother, we tried contacting her on multiple occasions to no avail. We believe she is out of town on a work trip, so I phoned Tsukauchi today morning and he promised to make some calls. Tokyo police should be in contact with her soon."

" Hmm that's good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to start arranging the annual health check-ups."

" Have fun." Shota said dryly.

The tired teacher took a seat and opened his work folder. Despite what his husband might say, Shota wasn't lazy. He did some grading, correcting mistakes and making notes, while he waited. A small breeze coming from an open window just barely managed to touch the already growing pile of finished papers . The air conditioning hummed quietly and Aizawa took a sip of his coffee. It was stale.


Meanwhile Mic was having a hard time. He had nice plans for today's lessons but just couldn't bring himself to follow them. Communication and story writing were switched to silent reading, grammar was taught by a video and a "preparing for a test"-lesson was cancelled all together.

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