You see him as a son

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Shota sat in a comfortable gray sofa chair, hands folded and eyes wandering. The counsellors new office was small but cosy, only having a sturdy wooden desk, a bookcase, two chairs, a large plant and on the dark wooden floor, a white plush carpet. 

There were, however, lots and lots of pillows, tissue boxes, and fluffy blankets. The walls were a calm blue colour with beige curtains on the windows.

The room was dimly lit by the morning sun peeking in from the half-closed curtains. Shadows coming from the trees swaying in the wind outside danced on the back wall, only disappearing when Inui-san leaned closer to Aizawa. He clicked the end of his red pen.

" I'm glad you decided to come and talk to me today."

" Felt it necessary. I believe myself to be more affected than I thought I would be." His eyes closed.

" Have you been getting any sleep? What about food?"

" You know me. Sleep really isn't my thing. Zashi has been making sure I eat."

" And your caffeine consumption?"

" ...They took my personal coffee maker away and I can't for the life of me find it. I'm now only allowed three cups in the morning and two in the evening. One extra if it's a holiday or Sunday."

" Sounds like, well, something. Okay, should we start from the beginning then? You were the one who found Izuku. Tell me what happened."

" Yes, I was informed that there had been concerning noises coming from his room. I went there and tried knocking. He, of course, was unresponsive. So I used the master key..."

" Alright. What did you see then?"

" At first, I didn't see anything. The light that had been on was, at some point, knocked over and it broke. I searched for a switch for the ceiling light and when- The moment the light came on I- Ugh, why is this so hard?" He took a deep breath.

" There was a mess. My mind registered the papers, the books, the clothes, but the only thing I could see was the blood. It was like some sort of twisted hide and seek game where, no matter where I looked, there it was. The light made it glitter. I mean, you saw it, so you know what I'm talking about."

" When you saw that, what did you believe had happened."

" I truly believed, even if just for a second, that the League had broken in and killed him. That I had let another student be taken."

" But that wasn't the case."

" No it wasn't. I heard water running and when I turned, I saw Izuku standing next to the tub, swaying. His arm was inside the bath and when I touched it, it was freezing. It sounds, silly, but at that moment I was convinced that he was dead."

He took a deep breath, trying to relive the experience.

" His skin was pale, and he was so, so cold. But he was still breathing... I just took him in my arms and ran. I have handled jumpers and hostage situations, I have fought countless criminals and saved even more civilians. But I have never felt fear like this. It truly felt like time was against me, like there was an invisible counter going down fast." Aizawa rubbed his eyes as he finished.

Too Deep Too Late (Suicidal Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now