Narrow escape

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" A festival?" Somebody questioned.

" As in the UA festival?"

" Yes, I've decided to give a heads up due to some of you having work studies. Your class needs to participate with some kind of original programming, just keep in mind you can either do a long event or split that time into two acts."

Aizawa studied the expressions of his students. There was clear excitement, which he would never in his life admit, but was a sight for his sore eyes. They deserved something fun, something to get their minds out of all the attacks, even if he had been against the idea of holding the festival.

" That's quite generous of you sensei!"

" Yeah, considering its months away."

" Oh, when can we start planning?"

" I have an idea! Can I write it down?"

Kirishima stood up and raised his hand.

" A-aren't we making ourselves a target by holding such an event? It's so soon, I mean, there are villains everywhere."

" Kiri shh! Don't ruin this." Kaminari tried in vain to hit the red head with his pencil case to shut him up.

" You're right, that's a reasonable point. However, there are students here besides those in the hero course. This event it for those who do not get the spotlight during the sports festival. And due to them not being seen as often as you are, they aren't usually targeted by villains." He received an understanding nod from his kids and continued.

" Many of your peers are feeling stressed out by the current conditions at UA. Especially the dorm system, which had to be adopted because of the hero course."

" That's not our fault..." Someone whispered.

" When you put it like that, I guess it'd be unfair to cancel it." The red head sat back down.

" Now, I'll give you time to think of ideas, infact, you'll have till the end of class. But if you can't come up with anything, I shall decide for you." Aizawa closed his dry eyes, relishing the feeling of rest.

"Now you can discuss." He muttered before sleep took him and he knew no more.

" Alright, as your class president, I propose a vote! We'll move from left to right in this order and everybody gets a say, so don't yell-" Iida rose from his seat and walked up to the blackboard. Yaoyorozu picked up a piece of chalk and began to write down the suggestions.

There, despite Iida's best efforts, were calls of,

" How about a sale of some sort?"

" Or contest? Like throwing beanbags or a game?"

" I know! A fashion show!"

" No, a café."

" An educational booth could be fun."

" Why not dancing!"

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