Tell him ask him

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Yamada Hizashi, also known as Present Mic, ran a brush through the thick curls once more. They were looking much better than an hour ago, shining and bouncing when Izuku moved. By his side was a bottle of oil that he used to lock in moisture and reshape the curls. Izuku's hair had become impossibly frizzy and completely unmanageable as the weather became colder, and Mic had made it his personal mission to try and help.

Midoriya obviously had no idea how to manage his hair, not that he could actually buy any of the expensive conditioners or sprays in the first place. The boy had no money and his mother bought him this three-in-one shampoo-conditioner concoction that did nothing to help his hair, but instead dried it out so badly he had to stop brushing it. Luckily Yamada noticed in time, or otherwise the boy would soon be looking like a puffball. Hizashi knew a thing or two about hair, how to style it, what shampoos were the best, what brand of straightening iron to use. So, he obviously owned a wide-toothed brush for this exact hair type.

They sat in the living room, Yamada on the couch and Izuku in between his legs, on the floor. They watched tv while doing his hair, laughing at the ridiculous commentary of the gameshow. It was called something like " If I was an alien would you..." and the premise was that the contestants needed to find things people would never do with aliens. If the players found the funniest scenario in time, they would win a "stolen alien mystery bag", filled with money or new electronics, or so Izuku believes. They were just watching the first team run through Tokyo, interviewing unsuspecting restaurant goers.

" I would never eat pasta from the same plate with an alien."

" Ha, why not sensei?" Izuku smiled.

" I just couldn't do it, what if the same thing happens as in 'Lady and the Tramp'?"

" A lady and what?"

" Oh yeah, you haven't seen it. We need to remedy that immediately-" The blonde was about to get up when he noticed how badly his fingers were tangled in the green hair. He tried to pull them towards him, only for the boy to let out a hiss of pain.

" Okay change of plans! We will watch it on Friday, I shall be in charge of the snacks!" Hizashi exclaimed, using his now free hand to raise the brush in a celebratory manner. Izuku's shoulders shook as he laughed, feeling light and content for the first time in a long while.

" Hope you like salty snacks, little listener, because I just saw a new flavour of Mike's Popcorn called salted shrimp. But if you prefer, we could buy KitKat's?"

" Macha ones?" Midoriya asked in a small voice.

" I knew we had similar taste! Someday I'll take you out to eat at my favorite place, they serve the best fried chiken in town."

For a while they were silent, just enjoying the atmosphere.

" So..." His teacher leaned closer. An evil smirk plastered on his face when he asked.

" How's Todoroki?"

Izuku dropped the remote he was holding, cheeks red as a tomato.

" H-huh? Ho-how should I know? W-we haven't talked today."

The blonde gave a hum, amused.

" And I suppose you haven't asked him out yet?"

" S-sensei! He doesn't care for me like that!"

Mic stopped brushing his hair and then slid down next to the kid with a smile.

" You know, the way he used to look at you is the same way my dear Shota looked at me once."

Too Deep Too Late (Suicidal Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now