Like chess pieces

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Two hours, eighteen minutes, and fifty-four seconds on the dot. That's how long it took to finally agree on one idea that felt the most right. It also took eight bags of seaweed chips, one pack of cookies-and-cream pocky sticks, three containers of cherry mochi, and one large bucket of ice cream. Class 1-A had wanted to give something back to the student body, that much was obvious, and they at last felt like they were close to the solution. 

Right at this moment most of them sat by the lush green sofas in the common room, trying to negotiate with Jiro, the one best suited for their idea. The girl in question was backed into a corner and unable to form coherent sentences.

" Jiro, why not use your skill to make other people smile? I think your music will definitely be useful when you're a pro!" Koji Koda encouraged. It got others excited, multiple supportive words were thrown at the flustered girl.

" I believe in you Jiro! With your help we can give them a performance of a lifetime!"

" Yeah girl. Just tell us what to do and we'll do it."

Kyoka sighed, realising there was no way to escape, and that Koda had a point. If they really wanted something like this, she was the best person for the position. With a look of defeat, she nodded once.

" A-alright, I'll do it." She relented, cheeks tomato red.

" Great! One down, one to go." Hagakure cheers. The bowl of chips sitting on her lap is almost knocked down.

" Can our other idea be the maid café?"

" Or the food stall? We could bake little guitar shaped cakes. And the girls and I could serve them to all the cute boys."

" I vote for the cakes!"

" Oh, me too!"

" Why can't we just hold a friendly competition? The winner could get one of Satou's pastries."

" Or, or a bake-it-yourself workstation!"

" Man, all of this food talk is making me hungry..."

" Dude, you just ate, like, three bags of chips. And a bowl ice cream."

" I know!"

Mina Ashido exclaimed so loudly, it even startled Dark Shadow. The girl hops off the couch and stands in front of her classmates, determination shining from her eyes like Aoyama's laser beam. After a while of scrolling on her phone, she shows what she has found. The class leans in, all trying to see the tiny flashing screen. It's a short advertisement video from a few weeks ago, the title reading "Upcoming: A tragic play of Romeo and Juliet". A woman dressed in a red princess gown and large pearl earrings runs across the stage, twirls, and then the screen goes black. In golden letters, accompanied by soft music, is a text saying, "On November 8".

" You want us to perform Romeo and Juliet?" Yaoyorozu asks.

" No not that! Just a play in general. It could be anything, comedy, romance, horror..."

" That's actually a really nice idea."

" And not too complicated."

" I agree!" There are several nods.

" Me too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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