Answer me

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" Tomura Shigaraki!"

" Hello hero."

Izuku was, for a moment, paralyzed with dread. The hair on the back of his neck stood up, fear creeping up his back and then coming down in the form of sweat. His breath got caught and the only thing Izuku could do was gulp. Before whenever their paths happen to cross Izuku would write the older boy off as very dangerous but also much predictable. Shigaraki was one of those villains you see in American movies and western videogames. 

He would freely shout out plans, monologue to his hearts content about his upcoming success and using that information, the hero could easily make decisions to his benefit. Yes, his quirk was terrifying, and his appearance put others off, but besides that there really wasn't more to him. Or so Midoriya thought.

But then the training camp and Kacchan's kidnapping happened, and he saw how truly horrifying the villain could be. Or maybe he hadn't experienced it directly, but still. It's like somebody had woken him up with a frying pan and Izuku finally comprehended the lengths they could go to try accomplishing their goals. The image of Tomura Shigaraki had then slowly crept into his dreams, twisting them into nightmares so horrid he would wake up crying. He was utterly terrified of this man.

The fingers, all except one, were still wrapped tightly around his wrist when Shigaraki's smile disappeared. Another pair of footsteps came closer to the door and before Izuku could comprehend what was happening or that maybe he should be screaming for help, the villain was pushing him in to a bathroom stall and shutting the door. The lock made a click sound and at that moment Izuku realized he was really trapped. Before he might have had the chance to make a run for the door or yell and alert someone, but now...

The stall was small, only having a toilet and a tiny marble sink inside. It was mostly clean, smelling of chlorine, lemon, and plastic, probably from gloves the cleaner had used. Izu would pick that scent any day over the strong smell of dust, water damaged wood and cheap whiskey that currently invaded his nose. It wasn't like a typical public toilet, it in fact, had thick floor to ceiling walls and the doors had no gaps. It had been heavily praised in the newspapers as the future of communal restrooms, first coming to the women's side, but gradually making their way to men's restrooms too.

Right at this second it felt more like a cruel joke from the universe.

Shigaraki was so close to his face he could clearly see every single crack his dry skin had. There was a scar on his lip and on his other eye, both clearly old. In his fear-stricken mind he still found himself wondering what could have caused them. His lips were dry and every time he smiled Izuku could almost feel the way the skin stretched. It was a wonder he still could smile.

Somebody came in to use one of the stalls. Tomura's free hand slapped over the boys mouth as he whispered.

" Say even one word, and I'll kill you, them and anyone who comes here."

The green haired boy gulped again.

It didn't take long for the person to be done with their business and, while washing their hands, Tomura used the noise of the rushing water to his advantage and moved. Izuku was now sat on the closed toilet, the villain looming over him like a hungry predator. Midoriya felt like a caged animal. At last when the door closed and no other noise was heard, the hand was removed from his face.

Too Deep Too Late (Suicidal Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now