Secrets, I hate them

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Bakugou was going to murder somebody. 

His shoes squeaked annoyingly as he stomped through the empty hallways of U.A. Kaminari, that fucking dunce, had spilled an entire milk packet on his school blazer, ruining it completely. Now his morning was ruined. Come to think of it, it was all Deku's fault. Ever since that damn nerd had disappeared, things had drastically changed in the class. Almost like a cloud of fucking sadness had landed on them and no matter what he did, could not shake it off.

He angrily marched towards the stairs, hoping to find a spare jacket inside his locker when he noticed it. Katsuki had taken a longer route to try and calm himself down before class and found that he was near the infirmary. Turning towards the other hall, he was about to run for the stairs, when a door slid open. Icy-hot? 

Bakugou ducked behind a plant.

" I'll see you later, just text me."

" Thanks again, Todoroki-kun. There's a good chance I'll get out of here today so we can see each other somewhere more comfortable." Is that Deku? What the hell was the nerd doing there?

He looked horrible. Like, more terrible than normal. His face was pale, and his body shook like a leaf. What caught his attention immediately after were the thick bandages on his wrist. What the hell had happened? He had to know, Katsuki always knew everything.

His mother hadn't mentioned anything regarding his auntie Inko, nor had she sent them one of those get-well-soon baskets. So, when Katsuki saw the message Deku sent in their group chat, he didn't believe it for one second. The evidence wasn't fucking adding up-

Ring, ring. The bell filled his ears and he let out a low growl. Answers would have to wait.

English was boring. They had a small test on grammar and of course, Katsuki was the best of the best, scoring a whole twenty out of twenty. Shitty hair gave him a thumbs up. Mic-sensei seemed to be a bit more energetic than yesterday, so they did some exercises in pairs. Katsuki was the absolute number one so pray tell why he was paired with Kaminari?!

The idiot took way too long to read even the simplest sentences. Then, after wasting precious time, he had the audacity to blame the text! Like, how could you not know how to read,

" Wo-wors- no, worest, uh no wait..."

" It's fucking Worcestershire you idiot!"

" What does that even mean?"

After that they had mathematics. The need for answers on the mystery disappearance of shitty Deku was much more important than Pythagorean theorem, so when Ectoplasm turned to write something down, Bakugou took out his phone. He'd just text the nerd and demand answers.

" Bakugou what's the answer to number eight?"

" Twenty-three."

" Correct."

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