Accepting help

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Eraserhead walked towards the student dorms holding some boxes. Next to him was Ryo Inui, making quiet conversation about this and that. It was now seven p.m., and they had just left Izuku to eat and then sleep.

The first session, if you can call it that, had gone well. Ryo explained why he thought that Izuku needed help and then let Izuku explain why he thought otherwise. When Midoriya was done, Hound Dog countered that with his opinion, and it went on like that until Izuku finally relented and accepted help.

Aizawa silently held his hand as the counsellor explained what he thought should be done, how they should see each other at least twice a week in the beginning. He made sure Izuku understood that right now he was on suicide watch the next 48 hours. He had to stay at the medical wing as long as he had open wounds on his arm and later was to move somewhere where he could be supervised.

" B-but I can't stay here that long! I have school, I'll get left behind!"

Shota placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing small circles as he spoke quietly.

" Hey kid, it's okay, breath. I promise to bring you the classwork, okay? If you need some help, I'll be happy to assist you. I bet the other teachers would also jump at the chance to help such a promising student. But right now, your well-being is far more important than a couple of hours of school."

"Eraser is right. Now is the time to focus on your mental health."

The young hero student clearly wanted to say more, to protest, but only closed his eyes.

" Izuku, why do you want to be a hero? That is what you want isn't it." Ryo tilted his head.

" Of course I want! I have always w-wanted to save people. I want people to feel safe when they see me smile. I-I want people to remember that hope is never lost. That there is still light."

" That is amazing Izuku. I'm happy to hear that you have such a noble goal."

Aizawa gave a small smile.

" But remember, you can't help others if you do not help yourself first."

That conversation had ended with Hound Dog setting up their appointments. Mondays and Thursdays were chosen so Aizawa had time to attend if needed. With some assuring that Izuku had done nothing wrong and that he just needed some help, the two heroes left him to finish his dinner.

Aizawa stopped at the front door and turned to look at the other man.

" They sense fear. Just follow me and we can get out in one piece." With that he opened the door.

Shota had no idea how he got into these situations. As soon as the door closed, the two adults were swarmed with worried friends and classmates. It was somewhat comforting to know that Midoriya had so many people who cared about him. Right now though it was a pain in the ass and Shota activated his quirk.

" Quiet! I'm in a hurry." He applied some eye drops.

Too Deep Too Late (Suicidal Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now