Your amaryllis is bloody

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" So glad you could make it! And I'm sure Sir feels the same way." Mirio Togata, a bubbly, blonde third year exclaimed. He had one arm draped around Midoriya's shoulder, squeezing in a friendly way, while they stood infront of the Nighteye agency. The buildings intimidating shadow swallowed them whole and made Izuku have second thoughts.

" But I have to admit, I was quite surprised when Sir mentioned he had requested you to do a work-study with us."

The two walked inside.

" Y-yeah, I was su-surprised too. Do you know why he asked me specifically?"

" Nope! But I'm sure he was impressed by your performance so far. And I am sure you'll love it here. I know I did."

They walked up the spiralling stairs, each step sending a new wave of nervousness through Midoriya. He actually had an idea of why he was asked to come but didn't want to jump into conclusions. Being the old sidekick and friend to All Might the hero must have known about One For All, and wanted to make sure the choice was right, that Izuku was fit to be the next user. Izuku was mentally preparing himself to plead his case, to prove he had what it took to wield this power with his head held high. 

They walked inside an office, plain and without much furniture, apart from four tiny cubicles where desks and shelves with countless folders were stored. A woman was sitting in one of them, but stopped whatever she was doing, when the door closed with a loud click.

" Oh hi Mirio, I thought you had a day off! And you must be Midoriya Izuku? I'm Kaoruko Awata, pro hero Bubble Girl." The lady gushed from behind the numerous large computer screens. She threw a stack of papers over her shoulder and made her way towards the boys.

" Yeah, I did, but I wanted to be here to support Midoriya. We're just going to see Sir and then we'll get victory ice cream." They turned and were about to head for the main office.

" I'm really sorry but Sir isn't here at the moment. He got a call from the police department about a case and won't be back until tomorrow."

" Oh boy, and here I thought we could get this out of the way." Togata sighed and patted him on the back apologetically. "Quess, you need to come back tomorrow."

" I'm s-sorry to bother you. I'll come back tomor-"

Before Izuku could finish the sentence, the hero shushed him. Her other hand was on her chin as she spoke.

" Well, he did technically appoint me to be in charge... So, I shall take you on a tour. Come on!"

" Wait i-is that even allowed?"

" Usually no, but Sir did request you specifically," She pointed a finger at the green haired boy, 

"So he must want you to really join our team." She winked.

He looked unsurely at Mirio who only laughed and gave him a thumbs up.

Too Deep Too Late (Suicidal Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now