Accusations and investigations

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A man with the hair of snow stood before the mighty. Sweat dripping down his face he looks on in horror as they make their decision. He's not getting in, he's not worthy. His strength is going down fast, he needs to recover or, better yet, escape. His frantic yellow eyes search for an open gap for that exact purpose, but the enemy is too powerful. Hot fire burns through his shirt and licks at his eyebrows, leaving only red skin behind. The time has finally come. They have him surrounded like prey-

" Can I kill him please I need to taste his blood!" Himiko Toga whines from her position, at the same time interrupting Shigaraki's inner monologue. She is waving a small surgical knife around impatiently. The blue haired man grunts in annoyance and grinds his teeth.

" Fine then but do it quickly!" He yells and waves his hand. The only thing he hears when walking away are the screams of agony and a "Smash his face in. Don't get that on my costume!". Tomura slams the iron door closed and turns to his butler who has remained silent the entire time.

" Why are only the low-level NPC's wanting to join our league? We need more high-powered characters, or we'll never be able to finish All Might." He scratches the broken skin on his neck.

" Tomura Shigaraki, maybe it would be advisable to call Giran and ask him to deliver us new recruits."

" No I don't like him."

" He has the connections we need. You must put your own emotions aside and think what Sensei would do."

"... He would trust the bastard enough. I'll call him later."

And with that Shigaraki turned the corner and disappeared.

His worn sneakers carried him through the trash littered alleyways with unusual grace. After All For One was captured, Tomura had taken the mantel of leader with great acceptance. Even though he knew Sensei would break out of Tartarus sooner or later, he also knew that somebody had to step up in his absence and guide the league. 

So he did, that's what Sensei would want him to do. For that reason Shigaraki had taken up reading about battle tactics and stealth but after realising how hard it all was, had asked for more books on the subject.

" If only that stupid brat Bakugou had joined, we would have had a real strong player." He muttered as he kicked an empty can across the road. It rolled down a set of stairs only stopping when it hit a chain link fence. He looked at the old buildings behind it and his frown deepened.

For a while now there had been rumours going around about the Yakuza and it's new leader. The one to lead the group Shie Hassaikai called himself Overhaul. There wasn't much information out yet expect a couple of large-scale attacks on some supposedly secure networks, hospitals, and pharmacies. 

There were also the smaller incidents with the group having attacked lower ranking criminals, leaving bodies behind like flies. Clearly they were not to be messed with. Shigaraki had seen a few pictures where they wore these odd masks. Mr. Compress had remarked on the similarities to old European plague masks and Tomura had just crossed his arms. What was it with this guy and medicine.

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