The hero and the detective

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" This just in! Japan's number one hero All Might, and the police force have made an arrest here downtown Musutafu. This afternoon they broke into a laundromat and apprehended the three suspects. Detective Tsukauchi gave us this comment."

" Yes, we believe these individuals to be connected with the underground narcotics ring we busted last spring. Three suspects are in custody as we speak. For now we cannot disclose any more information regarding the arrests made-."


" Here we can see the number one hero carry the unconscious suspect- Oh they don't even have handcuffs on."

" Of course not Takahashi. He's one of the greatest heroes in the world. He doesn't need to use handcuff-"


" Today on the news, a drug ring-"


" Are we safe? Can we still let our children walk down the street without the worry of somebody drugging th-"


" Yes, I was there! It was horrible. And now I have nowhere to wash my clothes-"


Yagi Toshinori shut the tv with a sigh. His whole body ached when he got up from the chair, floorboards creaking under his feet. His friend, Naomasa, was waiting for him in the interrogation room across the building, but today he just couldn't bring himself to care whether he was late or not.

He can't shake the feeling that something is off. Really, really off. It had all started a few days ago, with an email from his colleague Aizawa Shota. The man had requested a meeting immediately that afternoon, but Yagi had to decline. Then came the message from Nezu, informing every member of staff that somebody named "Pup" was moving into their dorms and not to tell the other students.

He hoped it would stop there, but no, his wishes were never granted. After that he received and angry text from Chiyo, demanding him to come see her as soon as possible. She had apparently been tasked with informing him about some important matter and was clearly not happy about it. He was deathly afraid of going back to work now.

Just as Yagi was about to leave the room, he got a message. Another email?

"-now that Pup has moved in we all must do our best, blah blah blah, we request that you keep an eye on him... Huh? Fragile state?" He read out loud. While thinking, "All of this was so confusing", the hero walked out and down the stairs.

He knocked on the locked door. Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa opened it, looking relieved.

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