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As soon as we returned home the dramatics started.

"Why would you try and sacrifice yourself, Elena?!" Damon shouted out, anger visible on his features.

"Because that's the right thing to do. What would you do if you were in my place, Damon?! You would save your family! And that's what I'm doing, so why can't you respect my wishes and let me do the right thing?" Elena shouted back.

I just stood there not too far away from them, deep in thought.

"Oh, Jesus, Elena! Stop trying to be a hero!" Damon kept shouting.

"We have more urgent matters to get on with, guys." I spoke up while both of them were still in the middle of a screaming match.

"Shut up, Alice!" Both of them screamed at me.

Well damn.

"Why do I even bother with you? I could've allowed Elena to sacrifice herself, but I called you, Damon, could I at least get a 'thank you' for that?" I muttered under my breath, still allowing for Elena to hear me.

"Thank you, Alice! Now can you go?!" Damon now looked at me, angry.

"No. Don't go. I want to speak with you also! I talked to you about how infuriating it is to not be 'allowed' to do something, but there you were, calling Damon! You also took my chance to do something, so don't act like some hero!" Elena screamed at me.

Girl has some lungs. 

"Look, I wasn't about to let you sacrifice yourself, Elena, but that makes me the bad guy? You don't even realise what you're doing. I saved your ass!" I now shouted back at her. I had enough of people screaming at me for no reason.

"Oh, step off that damn high-horse and realise that you didn't help me, you helped yourself. Stefan would've been furious if you would've let me do what I needed to do. That's why you 'saved my ass'." Elena continued vocalising her anger.

"Alright, then, next time when danger comes your way don't think that I'm gonna save you." As soon as I finished shouting back at Elena, I took my keys and left the house.

I've had enough of her little attitude, miss important.


I entered The Grill still seething with anger.

Why couldn't people be more appreciative of the help that I lend them? I could've let that stupid ass girl get herself killed, but I didn't, yet that somehow makes me a 'selfish person'? I would argue that she is the selfish one, since she dragged me all the way without telling me that she was trying to contact The Fucking Klaus and hand herself over.

What if Klaus now knows that Elena is the doppelgänger that he so wants and travels to Mystic Falls to get her himself?

All of these questions kept running through my mind while going to sit down next to the bar.

"Bourbon, neat." I ordered as soon as I sat down.

"Coming right up, miss." The bartender smiled at me.

He was handsome. Wonder if he tasted as sweet as he looked.

After what felt like a second he returned with my drink.

"Here you go, beautiful." He lowered himself so that his face was super close to mine.

I raised my head and looked at him. I raised a single eyebrow, looking at him like he was crazy.

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