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"Where are we going?" Caroline's voice rung out.

Today was the blonde's birthday, but since she didn't want to celebrate it, Elena decided that we should go to a cemetery for Caroline to say goodbye to her human life and to finally begin her vampire life.

"We're here!" Elena jumped up, excited. All of us stopped walking, looking around. It was an eerie tomb, seemingly abandoned since vines were completely covering it.

A sly smile grew on my face, amused by Elena's idea of celebrating one's life in a cemetery. "Not creepy at all.." Matt said in a hushed tone, his cheeks and nose all red from the cold night air.

I chuckled walking into the tomb, grabbing several candles from my bag, putting them on any surface I could find. "Here." Elena said, giving me a lighter. As I was about to grab the lighter, Bonnie spoke up, "No need." And all the candles came ablaze. Everybody looked around, astonished.

"Amazing!" Caroline squealed, clapping. Bonnie looked around, checking out everyone's reaction. As her eyes landed on me, she could tell that there was something more than astonishment in my eyes- jealousy.

I was half-a-witch and half-a-vampire, yet I knew nothing about my witch side. How to do spells, how to effectively fight back using magic?

I tried pretending like I wasn't jealous of her abilities by turning around and putting my stuff on a dusty shelf. As I was pretending to be busy searching for something, I felt a hand on my arm. When I turned around Bonnie was the one standing near me now. Her expression was reassuring, trying to console me. But nothing could help now- why am I like this? Was all that was going through my mind.

"Hey.." She whispered to me, not trying to start a conversation, but to sneakily console me without anybody realising. I put a small smile on my face, shrugging her hand off of me.

"Bonnie-?" Elena spoke up from my right side, I quickly turned to look at her, and she was holding Caroline's birthday cake. It felt like the 18 unlit candles were almost mocking me. I swiftly walked away, letting Bonnie do her magic- lighting the candles.

As she was murmuring 'incendia', she was looking at me- pity on her face. I turned away, shame burning my stomach.

I can feel bad for myself, but others? That's where I cross the line. And it's not like it's Bonnie's fault- she shouldn't worry about such nonsense on her best friend's birthday.

I started clapping with everyone, a smile on my face, though I never looked at Bonnie. As everybody softly started singing 'happy birthday' to Caroline, I finally felt relieved- Bonnie wasn't looking at me anymore.

The group started cheering as Caroline blew out the candles, officially 'turning' 18, though she was stuck in time- never turning old.


"What are you doing, Caroline?" I questioned, trying to figure out what she's looking at on her phone.

The blonde shyly turned around, facing all of us, "Don't be mad at me, guys, but I invited Tyler..". As I was about to chuckle I heard Elena groan from beside me.

"Seriously, Care? Him?" Elena acted more annoyed than she actually was. I chuckled, not paying mind to the silly banter until Bonnie spoke up.

"So what if she texted him, Elena. You can't control everyone." Everybody fell quiet, shocked by the witche's outburst. I turned to look at her, saying, "It wasn't really that deep, Bonnie, she was just joking around." I tried to deescalate the situation, feeling how uncomfortable Elena was beside me.

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