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It has been around a month since Stefan was forced to leave with Klaus. It has been the longest and most painful month of my life. Not being able to see my younger brother and not knowing if he's safe is the scariest thing that a sister could feel. Damon has been secretly tracking him and Klaus around the country. They have been travelling in the east coast presumably trying to find werewolves that Klaus could turn into his slaves.

Elena has been adamant about finding Stefan and saving him from Klaus. She thinks that Damon has given up on finding her loved one, while I don't care enough, which is ridiculous. Damon hasn't told her about him tracking Stefan the entire summer since in his words 'he doesn't want to give her any more false hope', which I disagreed with him about for so long, but I never told her myself.

I've been having the same repeating nightmare every night. It's Stefan screaming at me to safe him from Klaus and even himself. I've been waking up in cold sweat every night, and nothing seems to calm me down, because the only thing that could actually comfort me is knowing that my beloved younger brother is soundlessly sleeping in his room, but the reality is way different from that.

"Hey, Alice." Alaric spoke up from beside me. I'm sitting on the park bench, lost deep in thought. I turned my head, smiling up at him.

"What's up?" I replied, turning my eyes away from his eyes, looking at the street before me. I heard how Alaric slightly sighed and sat next to me.

"So.. how are you holding up?" Alaric carefully questioned me as if I'm going to break. I smiled at how cautious he was being with me, turning my head to once again face him.

"I've been better. What are you doing here anyway?" I pondered, trying to keep eye contact with him, but he keeps trying to avoid it, his spine as straight as a wire.

"Oh, on a nature walk." He joked, chuckling under his breath. "So.. Damon found another place where Stefan could've been quite recently." He continued.

"Alright.. So go?" I answered, confused. Damon never thought it was a good idea for me to accompany the duo to see the places where it's theorised that Stefan has been. He has been worried about me ever since I came rushing home to see him after leaving Stefan, completely petrified with tears staining my face, my nose running and red.

Everybody knew that no matter how much Stefan and I quarrelled he and I shared a deep bond that will never change. So, everybody knew how much his forced departure hurt me from within. Every single person that I have talked to since that incident has been treating me like a porcelain doll that has to be treated like a baby, and I hated that. I never liked anybody babying me or trying not to 'hurt' me.

"Damon figured that you should come with us. He trust that you're fine enough to accompany us." He spoke up, keeping a second long eye contact.

"I've been fine this entire time, y'all just have been babying me for no reason at all." I snapped, rolling my eyes.

"Alright.. if you say so." He muttered, not believing a word that has left my mouth. I rolled my eyes and stood up, going to my car.


I sat in the backseat of Damon's car, scowling at him. "You're okay back there?" Damon mocked me. I rolled my eyes and with a sour smile responded. "Definitely."

The car suddenly stopped in its track, stopping in front of a light blue farm house. "Is this the place?" I questioned the both men that sat in the front. "Yep." Damon replied with Alaric quickly hopping out of the car.

𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔟𝔦𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔫 | 𝔎.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now