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"I need to find my mother." Bonnie's voice sliced the thick, silent air.

She, Elena and I were looking at the coffins that belonged to Klaus. One of them was locked, no one knew what was in this sealed coffin, that even magic couldn't penetrate through.

"Why?" I asked the witch. I stood there beside the two girls, recently finding out where the coffins were held. They were hidden with Bonnie's magic.

"I think that whatever is in this coffin can help us kill Klaus.." She said, turning to look at me. I gulped, not even knowing what to think.

"And how does your mother come into this?" I asked, trying to revert the attention back to Bonnie. Elena and I looked at her, both of us silently waiting for her answer, curious.

"I saw her in a dream, she helped me. I think she can help us." The young witch looked at the both of us, her eyes hard.

Me and Elena both looked at one another, stiff. But in the end, we knew that Bonnie is the witch here and a witche's gut feeling shouldn't be ignored, so we trusted her.


"Ugh, this is going to take forever.." The brunette groaned, growing frustrated by how long this is taking.

I sighed, playing with my hair. "I'm going to make some tea, want some?" I asked the two teenage girls in front of me. The both of them deeply sighed, nodding.

As I was grabbing the cups, somebody barged into the house. I swiftly vamp-sped in front of the girls, blocking them from whoever decided to come into the house. But it was just Damon. He was holding a file, identical to the ones on the dinning table. "Found it." He grinned, waving the file around, "Loosen up, Al.", he said when he saw how upright I was standing.

I blew out a breath, "At first I thought you were an intruder or something- you should learn how to knock." I groaned, rubbing my temples.

The witch from behind me quickly stood up, completely ignoring me, "Wait- you found it?" She stood frozen in her spot, making sure her ears weren't deceiving her.

"As a matter of fact- I did." Damon cockily walked towards the dinning table, walking around me. I sighed from relief.

"Abby Bennett Wilson- She lives in North Carolina." My brother said as all of us looked at the picture in front of us- Bonnie's mom.


"So, what the hell happened between you and my brother?" I questioned the brunette that sat right next to me, in the passenger seat, as I drove.

She groaned as the witch in the backseat giggled, also wanting to know more about them. "Like I said- we just kissed, that's all." She murmured, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she spoke.

"Tell us more! I know for certain that there is something more!" Bon giggled, jumping up from the backseat.

"It won't happen again- that's for sure. There's nothing more to this- just a stupid mistake." The human groaned, becoming more irritated by the second.

I wasn't shocked that she and Damon kissed, I noticed how close they grew while Stefan was gone, but I never really thought that Elena would betray Stefan like that- kissing our brother? I quickly shook the judgment and the memories out of my mind, wishing not to remember what happened in 1864.

"Oh-" Bonnie was ready to pounce on Elena for more information, but she got cut short as the brunette's phone rang. I turned to look at the caller ID- Stefan. Perfect timing.

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