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"Hey." I said, smiling.

It has been some time after Stefan's betrayal and our failed attempt at killing Klaus. Damon has been on edge ever since, always having something to say when anyone mentions Stefan. Elena has been coming over more often, trying to support and help the brunette as much as she could.

I've been spending way less time inside, my patience quickly cracking every time Damon starts, once again, complaining about Stefan and his betrayal. The first week or so after our attempt I tried to stay by my brother's side, reassuring him that we'll be able to finish this soon enough. But he never listened, anger the only emotion he could show me, while with Elena, he listens, communicates.

I'm really grateful for Elena and her help, knowing that I would've thrown Damon out of the house if not for her. She's also been trying to 'help me', hear my side on all of this, but I don't have anything to talk about since I don't feel betrayed by Stefan. I know why he did it.

"Hey, Ali." Elena's voice rung out from the other side of the phone. Her voice was quiet, it breaking when she said my name. I quickly stood up, realising that something must've happened.

"Are you okay? Where are you?" I questioned while putting all of my stuff in my bag, rushing out of the Grill, trying to reach my car as quickly as I could.

I heard as Elena inhaled a long and laboured breath, possibly trying to keep composure. "Yea-yeah, could you please just come? I'm at home. I want you here." She asked, her voice breaking. My eyebrows slammed together, trying to come up with a reason why she would be calling me.

"Are you sure you're okay? Did Damon do something?" I kept asking the girl. I was already leaving the parking lot, rushing to reach Elena's house.

I heard as Damon groaned far from the phone, yelling, "Just get here, dumbass." I rolled my eyes, groaning. "Why are you there." I said, it being more of a statement than a question. "Just, please, get here as soon as possible." Elena spoke up, her voice a little bit lighter.

I ran up the stairs, opening the door. "I'm already here. What's up?" I barged into the living room, looking around, trying to spot something out of the ordinary. But the only thing that I could see was a crying Elena and a seemingly sympathetic Damon, comforting her.

Damon's neck snapped towards me, scanning me. "Elena wants me to compel Jeremy to leave Mystic Falls, start a new life." My older brother explained. I looked even more confused, not understanding why Elena would even do that. "What- Why?" I questioned, waking towards the two.

"Klaus tried to kill Jeremy." Elena stated, not even looking at me. My mouth dropped open, my eyebrows slamming together. "What?!" I yelled, "When was this?". Damon looked at me, almost judging me, "Today, Alice. We tried to call you, possibly warn you, but you didn't pick up the phone." He scrutinised me, his look hard.

I shook my head, in disbelief, "Don't look at me like that, you know that if I wasn't busy, I would've picked that up." I argued with Damon, feeling jumped on. Elena shook her head, scowling at Damon. "It's not her fault, Damon, don't be a dick. I called you, Alice, because I wanted you by my side when Damon compels Jeremy to leave for Denver." She gently said, calming me down in the process.

I nodded, feeling bad. "Of course, Elena.. Everything will be alright, don't worry." I tried comforting her, pulling her into my embrace. She hugged me back, not saying a word.

"Let's go." Damon spoke up, calmly. Elena nodded, letting go of me. As we three went up stairs, the silence being almost unbearable. All of us felt the same, yet we were also worrying about other things. If Klaus tried to kill a boy who didn't even do anything to him, what would he do to me and Damon, since Stefan messed with him and his family. All these thoughts were rushing, not being able to focus on one.

"Hey, Jeremy.." Elena brought me back to earth, her voice grounding me. "I love you so much-" Her voice cracking, not being able to finish a sentence without her voice betraying her. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Damon. We both looked at one another, words exchanged with just looks. I put a hand on Damon's, squeezing it a little bit.

"Damon?" Elena called out, looking at us with a soft smile. He nodded, letting go of me. Elena came towards me, pulling me into an embrace, which I returned. We both needed this.

"Let's go." I whispered to her, not wanting her to hear Damon compelling Jeremy to let go of this life and leave Mystic Falls. She nodded, leaving the room while being still attached to my side, never letting go.


"It's done." Damon voiced as soon as he came outside. Elena and I stood up, previously sitting on the swing. "I'll help him pack." I muttered, quickly hugging Elena and entering the house. I tried to tune out Damon's and Elena's conversation as much as I possibly could.

"Hey, Jer." The young boy, looked at me, a soft smile on his face. He was already taking clothes out of his drawers, silently packing. "Here, let me help you." I muttered, grabbing a shirt, folding it neatly and putting it gracefully into his bag. "Thanks, Ali." He thanked me. I looked at him, my eyes now glossy.

As soon as Jeremy noticed, he chuckled at me. "I'm not leaving for ever." He pulled me into an embrace. I nodded, hugging him as tight as I could without hurting him, "I know." I said, feeling silly.

Though Jeremy and I didn't speak a lot, we both knew that we cared about one another. I was always there to help him, rescue him, while he was always by my side, taking my side in any argument.

"Where are you going to?" I asked as soon as we let go of one another. He grinned, "Denver, I'm also applying to an art school." He boasted, being proud of himself. I nodded, gulping harshly.

"You'll have an amazing time there, Jeremy. I'm sure of it." I said, smiling at him. He nodded, pulling me into another hug.

After we were done packing, we both said good night. I went downstairs, seeing Damon and Elena still talking, this time in the living room. "He's done packing." I announced myself, softly smiling at Elena. She nodded, "Thank you." I smiled, confused, but deciding to brush it off, "I'm going. Damon, coming?" I asked my brother, already moving towards the front door.

He turned to me, "No, I'll stay here for a bit. Get home safe." He grinned. I nodded, waving to Elena.

Sorry for the short chapter and not uploading in a while! I've been contemplating on just dnfing this book, but at the same time I love this story and I really want to see where this will go. I'm conflicted 😭

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