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It was now the night of the sacrifice. Everybody was on their tippy-toes scared for what the future held for us.

Damon and I were the only ones sitting in the living room of The Salvatore Boarding House, waiting to hear something from the others. Jenna has been selected as the back up vampire for the ritual, a decision that took all of us by storm, especially me and Damon. Both of us were furious with ourselves because after tonight Elena and Jeremy will lose another one of their loved ones.

Stefan stormed out of the house as soon as Caroline stormed inside and told us about Jenna. Damon and I couldn't stop him, he kept insisting that he will do the right thing. I shuddered at the thought of what the right thing was. Knowing Stefan he was gonna throw himself straight into the fire, but I kept hope that he was smarter than that.

"We still haven't heard from anyone. Let's go." Damon swiftly stood up, sighing.

"Right behind you." I breathed. Both of us were told to stay back since 'we did enough'. Everybody had mixed feelings about what we did, on one hand they were glad that we saved Tyler and Caroline, on the other they were pissed that we went against their backs and showed rebellion against Klaus, something that can result in our death.


"Stay close to me." Damon whispered not loud enough for anyone else to pick up.

I just hummed in response, scared. We didn't know if the ritual was already done or not since we were out of the loop.

As soon as I hummed in response Damon abruptly stopped, which resulted in me slamming right in his back.

"Ugh.." I groaned while messaging my head.

"I see them." Damon whispered. "He's drinking from Elena.." he muttered the last part even quieter.

"Oh, God." I gasped at the sight in front of me. Klaus was drinking all of Elena's blood resulting in her collapsing- dead, soon enough.
Klaus looked straight at the moon and dragged himself from the alter where Elena's dead body lied. He started groaning pretty loudly, looking at his feet. When he raised his head to look at the dark night sky, I saw his yellow eyes and humongous fangs.
I clasped a hand on top of my lips, trying to not let out a loud gasp.

"This shit is morbid. Even for me." Damon muttered.

"Oh, my God.. Damon.." I gasped. What I was seeing was so disturbing, Jenna's body lied daggered, Jule's heart was ripped out and, lastly, Elena's died body lied on the alter, near the burning fire. The sight would make anybody terrified.
Then I saw Stefan. He was on the ground, looking at Klaus mortified. Stefan and I probably had the same expression on our faces.. a look of absolute fear.

Klaus was still glowing in the fact that he soon enough will unlock the side of him that was locked away for over a thousand years, but before he could finish his transition Elijah took him down. That was when Damon and I appeared out of the woods, Stefan also standing up. We stood there, unmoving, looking at the brothers in front of us.

"Elijah.. don't!" Klaus almost begged under his brother. His desperation was showing itself on his face.

"You betrayed me, brother. You dumped our siblings in to the oceans." Elijah spat with venom.

"They're not, brother. I have them. I can reunite you with our family.." Klaus begged.

This can't be happening. This was what I was afraid of, Klaus saying something that will change Elijah's mind about killing him.

"I give you my word, Elijah. I have them." Klaus once again spoke up.

I looked straight at Damon, scared that Elijah will betray us. His face showcased the same fear that I was having, but we couldn't do anything. If we attacked Elijah to be able to kill Klaus ourselves we would be overpowered by the two brothers. The three of us just stood there, not being able to do anything ourselves, our plan relied on Elijah and his word, yet here he was, having doubts because he was promised to be reunited with his beloved family.

Elijah looked straight at me, looking apologetic. I shook my head violently, wordlessly begging for him to finish the man that lied before him. But he didn't react to my silent pleas, and he disappeared with Klaus.

"Fuck!" I screamed out of frustration. I kicked at the ground underneath me. Elijah betrayed us.

Stefan quickly rushed to Elena's dead body not muttering a word.

"Let's just go, Alice." Damon said to me, he was as angry as I was, I could hear it in his voice.

"What will we do? We're fucked! Elijah betrayed us. He was our only hope." I could barely keep my voice down.

Damon got a hold of my shoulder and vampire-sped out of the ritual site.


It was now morning. Elena still hasn't woken up. John decided to sacrifice himself for Elena, he decided he should be the one to die, not her, so Bonnie did some sort of spell that will result in John dying instead of Elena. All we could do is wait. Elena was cold as ice while John was still breathing, alive and well.

"Maybe she did the spell wrong?" I whispered as quietly as I could to Damon. I was getting worried that Elena wouldn't wake up.

"Don't worry. Bonnie knows what she is doing. She did the spell right." As soon as Damon finished saying his sentence Elena woke up abruptly. I looked at where John was outside and I saw that he fell, dead.

Everybody rushed to Elena beside me and Damon.

"I'm alright." Was all that Elena could say.


I stood with all of my friend in front of a fresh grave. A grave that John Gilbert resided in.
I couldn't say that I was crushed my his death, but I saw how much it affected Elena. She lost the only parental figure that she had left. I couldn't stand seeing her like that, sobbing uncontrollably in front of the grave. She then turned to her parent's grave and placed a rose on their headstone.

Soon everybody started dispersing, but before I left I decided to talk to Elena.

"So sorry for your loss, honey.." I knew that the words weren't going to change anything but I felt like I needed to say something to her. I still saw her as a kid, a kid who lost too much.

She turned to me and sadly smiled. "I don't know what I will do, Alice." She whispered, almost desperate.

"It will be fine, El.. Everything will be fine." I voiced quietly to her while pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you."

"There's nothing to be thankful about. I love you like a sister, I thought you should know that."

"I love you as well." Was what she said before we both fell into a comfortable silence.


I know that the romance aspect still hasn't even started, but I want Alice to actually form relationships with other people. Plus this is a semi-slow burn so the romance stuff will come later. <3

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