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"Did we seriously need to do this?" I yelped after a spider landed on my arm, causing me to violently shake my arm. Alaric looked at me with an amused smile. "Totally not funny." I groaned to Alaric after seeing his expression.

"Maybe just a little." He smiled. I shook my head in annoyance and continued following the determined girl in front of me. "So, what's the plan? Find Stefan and then what?" I sighed, now standing beside Elena. "We will make him go with us." She explained as if she was stating the obvious.

"Uh, I think you're forgetting someone- Klaus." I emphasised Klaus's name, shaking my head realising that we're probably gonna get absolutely obliterated by him. "That's a problem for the future." Elena told me.

"No, it is definitely not. Look if we actually catch them, he won't go after you- he will go after me or Alaric. Fuck maybe even both." My mouth continued opening in disbelief of the lack of planning. She has tunnel vision about getting to Stefan and helping him, and with that, she completely forgot about the original that thinks she's dead.
"I think we should turn back. We don't even have a plan. You know, when you dragged me out of bed stating that we're gonna finally save Stefan, I figured you actually had a plan?" I ended the sentence as a question, because I was still appalled by the lack of planning.

All three of us now stood in front of a beautiful river. The sun hit the water perfectly, making it look like the water is glistening. Alaric was checking the map, while Elena and I looked at the river, mesmerised. When all of a sudden Elena was thrown into the river, quickly emerging from the water with a scowl on her face. I turned to face the culprit and I saw Damon, he looked angry, but at the same time amused by the scene in front of him.

"Hey." I muttered under my breath, turning my head back to continue looking at the part of river that Elena isn't in. Damon only shot me a quick glance as a response.

"It's time to go home now!" Damon shouted so Elena could hear. "Seriously, Damon?!" Elena screeched from the top of her lungs, pissed off my Damon's action.

"You're trekking through werewolf territory when a full moon is happening today. Pretty stupid if a say so myself." My brother commented. I quirked my eyebrow as a way of silently agreeing with him.

"This isn't your business, Damon." The soaked girl trembled from the cold. "Of course it's my problem. While Stefan isn't here, I'm the one who protects you from your stupid ideas."


The moon brightly shined in the dark night sky, it's almost reaching its apex. The moon today was full, it looking more beautiful than regular.
Elena didn't back down to Damon, so we are still trekking through the shadowy woods.

"We should've left a long time ago." I whispered in fear of somebody not from our group hearing me. I had my hopes up when Damon showed up, silently praying that this is the end of this ridiculous travel, but no.
"Agreed." Alaric replied to me, equally as quiet as me. I glared at Damon, while he just rolled his eyes in response, continuing to travel further.

As we silently went on, suddenly a person jumped on Damon, trying to bite him. Alaric and Elena froze in their place while I was trying to think a way of helping Damon without the both of us getting bit. "Run!" Damon yelled before a formed a solid plan. He looked at me, pleasing silently. I nodded my head and grabbed both Alaric and Elena by their arms and vamp-speeding out of there.

"No! We have to help him, Alice!" Elena howled as soon as I let both of them go. "Don't be stupid, Elena. There's nothing we can do- especially you. He will be fine." I grunted more rudely than anticipated, but the situation stressed me out, plus Elena stating the obvious wasn't helping. She quickly closed her open mouth, and grunted in anger.

I looked back at the place where we left Damon, praying that he will be safe. I moved my hair away from my ear, hoping that I will be able to assess the situation. My ears perked up as soon as I heard two voices- Damon and.. Stefan? I tried to conceal my surprise, thankfully Elena was turned away from me, trying to calm down.

"Stefan!" Damon blurted out in surprise. "Go, it's not safe here." Stefan coldly replied, not happy with the fact that his persistent brother stood in front of him.
"We're here to get you back." Damon quickly composed himself, from the sound of it- fixing his shirt.
"Who's here with you?" Stefan raged.
"Alaric, Elena and Alice." Damon replied to him, trying to conceal the evident relief in his voice from being saved from a werewolf. "Get the hell out of here! Klaus can't know that Elena is alive, plus risking Alice's safety?" He seethed from anger of hearing his loved one's names.

I heard one of them rustle once again, tugging on their clothes. "What are you doing, Stefan? We're here to save you." Damon evidently struggled against something. Maybe Stefan got a hold of him?

"Don't you understand?! I don't want to be saved." As soon as I heard those words leave Stefan's lips, I almost audibly sighed. I was frustrated and tired from the sleepless nights because I was too busy having nightmares about him and, yet, here he was, saying he doesn't want to be saved. 

"What's up with you?" I heard Elena call out. I turned my head to see who she was talking to, she was staring straight at me, trying to read my expression. I quickly let my hair go. "Nothing. Continue sulking." A tight-lipped smile displayed on my face. She just scoffed at my words and once again turned her body away from me.


After a few more minutes of listening to Elena continue freaking out about Damon, and how he 'possibly can be dead'. I would agree with her, but I knew that Damon was safe, being saved by Stefan. He finally came back, trying to look put together, fixing his shirt and hair.

Him and I shared a glance, him knowing that I probably heard what went down. Then he turned his head towards the pair. "It's time to go." He just grunted, annoyance seeping from his voice. I just nodded, agreeing with him. I hopped in the car, in the passenger seat, while Damon sat in the drivers seat, and Alaric and Elena in the back seat.
As I was bucking up I felt eyes on me. I turned my head towards the ebony woods, and I saw Stefan. The expression on his face was too hard to read from this distance, but I knew that he was hurting. As I smiled up at him, reassuring that everything will be fine I hoped that he could see the smile on my face.
Then he suddenly disappeared. I turned my head to look at the backseat and I saw Elena looking where Stefan previously stood.

I sighed and tried to keep the tears from staining my cheeks. "He didn't mean what he said." I whispered loud enough for only Damon to hear using his vamp-hearing. He turns to me, slightly shaking his head, only enough for me to see. "I don't even know what to believe anymore." He whispered loud enough for me to hear. I smiled up at him as I did previously to Stefan, displaying reassurance.

He sighed and started the car, beginning to drive away. I couldn't help myself but look back to where Stefan stood in hopes he came back. But all I could see is the ink-black woods.

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