Book Sign Event~

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Senju was really passionate about describing all the books I supposedly have written in the past, so thanks to her ramblings I found out at least some information about this specific topic. Most of the books seemed to be about romance, where characters were going through difficult times, but kept their spirits up, not losing hope no matter how grim the world may seem. Fighting against your fate, in search of happiness. Nevertheless, the most popular book was Michi's biography, her daily life, and the fight against her sickness.

"I should read it when I have time." I quietly noted to myself, surely that would give me more insight into the situation at hand. I could find out more about her family and friends, so in case anyone ever asked, I could provide some answers.

Down the line, our lovey-dovey couple left us three to our own devices, after we received their contacts that is.

"Ah, don't forget about the appointment that is taking place after the signing event, it's the last fitting session of the dress after all. And please Michi take care of yourself throughout the week, I'm really looking forward to the upcoming party." What kind of party did he have in mind? Not knowing how to respond I glanced at Senju to figure out if she knew what was going on.

"Right the fitting dress appointment, how did I forget that? Thanks for reminding me Jun, I should write it down." I witnessed her typing something quickly on the smartphone.

A few seconds later I felt an arm wrapping itself around my shoulder, I realized it was Jun's doing. Still, I was surprised about the fact, that I didn't perceive any discomfort, it was like my body was already used to his presence.

"Aren't I the best, it was thanks to me after all, that you managed to get in contact with such a renowned fashion designer." He winked in my direction, it appeared to me like he was fishing for compliments.

"I'm ever so grateful, how could I ever repay you for your splendid endeavors, kind sir?" He just played along.

"I mean paying for a delicious dinner and allowing me to tag along to the party as your plus one, should suffice."

"What about Senju then?" I inquired.

"She has her own invitation, we talked about this before... however because she got in as your assistant she is not allowed to invite anyone herself." I nodded my head.

Because I was getting tired, we decided to buy some take-out on the way home and continue the hangout in my apartment. We spent most of the day chatting away, I made sure to take notes, so I wouldn't fumble by not knowing their likes and dislikes later down the line. As for Cupid, he was strangely glued to my lap, demanding as many pets as possible, even my friends were shocked at this feline creature's clinginess.

However at the end of the day a mission arrived.

'Would you rather convince Jun Honda to stay the night, or get Senju Akashi to sleep in the same bed as you?' Recalling Senju's strange suggestions at the breakfast table I opted for the first mission, but it hardly helped. Because even if we had a fully furnished guest room, which was filled with Jun's clothes indicating it wasn't his first time staying over, Senju strongly insisted on a sleepover in her room.

"It's almost like having two roommates." I found myself saying before sleep.

The next morning Jun made it his mission to pick out an outfit for my sign event, I could swear I heard him mumble and grumble something about my very poor taste in fashion.

"I can't let you leave this house, the way you usually dress."

"What's wrong with my usual clothes then?"

"You dress like a child." I glanced at the closet, considering the sheer amount of pastel colors residing inside, I couldn't refute his argument.

"So? What's the problem?"

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