Courting Souya~

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To get Shuji to leave the hospital, I had to personally kick him out. He kept insisting that he needed to stay by my side, for whatever reason he could find. Only when I mentioned how neglecting his own health for my sake when it wasn't required wouldn't give him any points in my book, did he finally depart.

On Thursday it took till midday before I was discharged, I didn't receive any missions from the system that day, but Senju wanted me to take care of Cupid, by giving him a bath. Apparently, he was known for being an escape artist, and running all day outside meant, he wasn't the cleanest kitty. Although it was my first time cleaning a cat, it wasn't too difficult, but this whole scenario made me realize that I could understand my feline friend.

"You are a cruel and unjust mother, what have I done to invoke your wrath, for you to sentence me to such ruthless punishment?"

"You smell?" The orange cat let me proceed with what I was doing, but he surely wasn't happy as he kept glaring in my direction, his tail darting around.

"Maybe you should refrain from getting your fur dirty, then we won't bathe you as often." I wasn't expecting there would be a day, I would give a cat some life advice. And I guess with the system by my side, nothing could faze me anymore.

Friday came way too fast before I knew I was already standing by my closet, having a full-blown crisis.

"Senju! Help me out!" Even if I asked my friend for aid, the first one to respond to my call was Cupid.

"Ah yes, looking marvelous for your date is of utmost importance, let me lick your fur." Cupid looked really hyped up.

"I think I will manage without your strange services." Was this cat connected to the system somehow? Is that why I could understand its speech?

"You shall bring the potential father here, only after smelling him can I tell if he truly deserves to live under my rule in this kingdom." At this point I found this cat being cuter when it refrained from speaking his mind.

"I will see if he has time to pay a visit." I didn't dare to make any promises.

"I'm here to save the day!" Senju busted through the door, but the first thing she accomplished was to spoil the cat with pats.

Once we found an outstanding outfit, fit for the occasion, I left. We agreed to meet beside his restaurant since Souya refused to leave his twin behind with all the work, until the last minute.

"Your date is here, go change already." I heard Nahoya tell his brother, as he went behind the curtain. I must say I wasn't expecting the smiling guy to insinuate a conversation, but a pleasant greeting soon escalated into a warning.

"Right, don't even think about doing something stupid like crushing his heart, you hear me?" Why did Smiley suddenly sound like an overprotective father with a daughter who didn't trust the guy she was dating to keep his hands to himself?

"Wow, relax would you? And crushing his heart? We barely know each other dude. Isn't the purpose of dates to get to know each other better, in the first place? Or are you expecting me to jump the gun and propose on the first date? Like isn't talking about marriage on first dates considered a red flag?"

"I want to agree, but I already heard you trying to snatch him away, simply because he served you sake."

"You can't blame it on me, it was my friend's idea, you can simply think of it as an innocent joke." I pointed out.

"Who knows maybe you both staged this." I wouldn't take responsibility for something that the system did without consulting me first.

"Wow, wow, wow, that's a lot of assumptions you have there mister, first how would I even know that Mitsuya would recommend your establishment of all the places? And when would I have the time to sneak in and swap a jug of water with alcohol?" Then I decided to get back at him.

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