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"Never mind me worrying, frankly you don't seem phased about being kidnapped, you have always been like this, possessing an aloof attitude toward everything." Was Kakucho really describing me at the moment? Sure I may have shown my collected and calm demeanor on the surface, but inside I was freaking out, who wouldn't in this kind of situation? Being kidnapped by a literal mafia and having one of the members recognize me, while I myself have no idea as to why?

"You're wrong on so many levels dude... I just concluded that acting annoying around such a tough crowd would actually get me shot faster." If I acted hysterical, while shouting and crying out a river of tears, it could end up in two ways. Either they would chase me away because they couldn't stand me, or an instant kill. And frankly, I wouldn't dare to test such a theory.

"Don't worry, since you're acquainted with me, no one in here will lay their hands on you." I nodded dying to know the reason, but I didn't dare to ask. Despite our conversation was cut short because someone butted in.

"It's great that you found your sweetheart and all, but how do we know she won't rat us out to law enforcement?" Hopefully, Takeomi wasn't aware of the fact that my pops was a famous lawyer.

"She won't once Kakucho spends a fortune on her." Kokonoi voiced his opinion, did he perceive me as some sort of gold digger? Why would he think I would need the money otherwise?

"Right, I have been racking my brains on how to save you from your predestined fate, of having you submit to your illness. In America they recently tried out a new treatment for your sickness, it's expensive and only in the experimental stage, but if you're going to die either way it's worth a try, aren't I right?" His gaze seemed hopeful, feeling a tad of discomfort not knowing how to react, I took a quick look around. There were so many onlookers, that it surely felt like I was cast in a romantic drama. Then a mission from the system was plopped onto my lap.

'Would You Rather thank Hitto Kakucho for his effort or refuse his offer as ruthlessly as you can?' I took a deep breath and clicked on the second option.

"Sorry, but I don't want to be used as an excuse for the guild that has been building up in your heart." I gave him a wry smile, as his eyes went wide in shock.

"Michi what are you on about?" I scoffed.

"You think I don't know where this money came from? Do I look that stupid to you?" He didn't accept my answer but doubled down instead.

"But without this chance, you may die in a couple of months! Isn't your health more important than the source of my income?" I shook my head disagreeing.

"I rather die than accept your dirty money!" There were sounds of surprise coming from the crowd.

"Right someone that can turn into a deer won't need your stupid money Kakucho." Ran kept running his mouth, but I hardly could predict what he would utter next.

"If you want, we can both turn into deer and have a family together in the woods." He then proceeded to send me a wink.

"Are you tired of your human life?" Was the first question that came to mind, but then it hit me. He saw me as a stag, wouldn't it mean he needed to transform into a doe for a family to be a possibility? I started to ponder if outing myself was worth it. If I never acknowledge his insistent on the subject, with time perhaps he would delude himself into thinking it never happened. But the curiosity took the best of me so I whispered into his ear.

"You want me to pound you so badly?" The guy just roared in laughter while Kakucho kept giving me looks of betrayal.

"Since she is insistent on not receiving her lover's money... how can we trust her?" Takeomi asked once again, also who was supposed to be my lover now?

"Sorry for asking, but why does it even matter? You can just send me back home, not like I even have the power to do anything toward your shady organization." Takeomi didn't seem to believe me.

"With Masato Hirabayashi as your father, I highly doubt that." How did he?

"You thought we wouldn't know such crucial information?" Did he do some background check on me, because I was friends with his sister?

"Were you trying to find out information about me, because you tried to fire Senju once again? But realized I wouldn't budge on the matter?" Watching both of the brother's expressions I could tell it was the truth.

"Ah yes, I always dreamed to someday beat you around if I ever got the chance... may I, as you see I don't have any muscles, it's just skin and bones... I promise it won't hurt." For some reason, Ran was trying to persuade them to agree, but Kakucho took a different approach and tried to make me refrain from making such a mistake. I was irritated that I didn't get my way, but then something weird transpired.

From nowhere I saw two new figures joining the meeting, one tall and bulky with blonde hair, the second guy was short, with white hair and a light brown complexion.

"This can't be true, what's going on?" I muttered under my nose, that's when I witnessed the new figures starting to float in the air and when I looked around no one seemed to be paying any attention to the newcomers.

I tugged Kakucho's sleeve, before asking him.

"Do you also see the two additional guys?" He merely gave me a worrisome look, probably thinking I was hallucinating because of some side effect coming from my pills. And that's exactly when my eyes met with Kurokawa Izana, who apparently was a ghost. Why was I the only one who could see him together with Muto who was accompanying him? I had no clue. Was this also a hidden feature of the system?

"Wait, wait, don't tell me you can see me?" He started to twirl around me in circles, his expression telling me he was delighted to have found a new toy to play with.

"Up till now, no one could see us, right Muto?" The taller ghost nodded agreeing with his boss on that matter.

"What's wrong Michi? You became incredibly pale." Kakucho questioned me, as I caught his arm for support. Who would want to speak with a ghost? Surely not me. That's when Izana's ghost arm reached towards me, I guess both of us had the same expectations, for it to just pass me through, but to our surprise, he could actually touch me? I was expecting a shiver of cold to reach me, however, the feeling was more equivalent to being touched by a regular human.

"Yo Muto you gotta try it! We can touch her!" This guy looked now like a kid on Christmas, while I felt more faint the more time passed by. Did it mean I not only would need to deal with the mafia but also a whole group of teenage spirits?

"Do you need to sit down?" I heard Kakucho question as I was about to accept his offer my sight shifted back to the ghost who demanded my attention.

"I guess you can hear us perfectly well, so why aren't you answering me?" Maybe because I didn't want people to think I was suffering from some mental illness? I was expecting him to give up and reach out once I was alone, but no this idiot decided to cause whatever havoc he desired, did he get too excited when being stuck on earth in this form for ten-plus years with no hope to ever communicate with the living beings?

"Have you ever considered ghost marriage?" Before I could react, I was suddenly being kissed by him. At first, I was frozen in total shock, then came the fast pacing of my heart, next I felt an unbearable pain in my chest, which was followed by a shortness of breath. And suddenly bam, my whole world was engulfed in darkness.


Author's Note:

So what do you guys think about the new cover? I decided to give adult Michi longer hair

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ 

So anyone expected this turn of events? 

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