Date Prep~

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When we arrived at my parent's house, because Kazutora was the one carrying my luggage we were shown the way to my old room, by my mom. In case I ended up in a predicament of having to find it all by myself, I would most likely expose the fact I knew absolutely nothing about the layout of my childhood house.

"Since we have enough rooms, would you like to stay over too?" She questioned Kazutora once we reached our destination who was taken aback by her generous offer, probably wondering why she would let a grown-ass man stay inside her house.

"There is no need, really." We both could tell he was iffy about the whole family ordeal, just watching his expression I could spot some inner turmoil taking place inside his mind. He probably only showed up at my apartment because of the anxiety he felt after hearing about my kidnapping, so there had to be some immense guilt involved with his arrival. My gut feeling was telling me he didn't feel worthy of our love at all. Was the past still haunting him to this day? Yet I thought spending so much time with Chifuyu would have fixed that.

As mom left to show Senju to her quarters next I approached Kazu slowly and patted his back while giving him a reassuring smile, but took notice of the clock and started to rummage through my luggage in search of my medication, once I pulled out all the ten bottles I needed did I spot a look filled with pity displayed on my cousins face.

"Is this the norm?" He questioned and without much thinking, I nodded my head.

"Yeah pretty much, I already got used to it." Although I have been here only for a week. Taking the pills itself wasn't much of a problem, but it was hard to accept the fact that just missing a day would shorten my lifespan. Once that was out of the way I started to put all the clothes into the closet but couldn't help but notice a few frames with photos scattered around the room. One of them displayed Kakucho in his childhood days.

"Look it's the guy from Bonten." I quickly averted Kazutora's gaze to the picture in question, but his eyes landed on something else entirely.

"What is this doing here?" He picked up a photo of himself when he was still a kid who looked like the most docile creature ever.

"The question should be, why wouldn't I have a picture of my favorite cousin." I shot some finger guns in his direction trying to be playful but his response was not anything I anticipated.

"Sorry, I always thought your family kept sending me letters just out of pity." His mood was sullen, I could tell he had a guilty conscience for ignoring Michi from his past. Which brought nothing but a bad taste in my mouth, as I wasn't the one who experienced the disappointment that came from his unanswered letters.

"Don't worry about it, let the past stay in the past." I wasn't too sure I even had the right to forgive him this easily, would Michi from the past hold it against me? However, since I was already here living this life, why would I be required to take other people's opinions on this matter when it was now affecting me? Thankfully it felt like we built a stronger connection after I conveyed my thoughts out loud.

For the rest of the day I was allowed to rest not having to think about any missions whatsoever, I was reconnecting with my supposing family and chilling as if getting kidnapped never took place.

On Friday, Jun made it his life mission to choose the best possible outfit for my supposing date, as he wouldn't let me pass up on romancing a rich guy who ran his own restaurant with an aquarium nonetheless.

"How could you forget about the date? You should have brought in all your dresses, the wider selection the better." I heard this guy complain about my childish fashion choices, from all I could tell Michi just had this fairy-like aesthetic, with flowers, lace, glitter, and an endless amount of pastel colors.

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