Food & Movies~

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Wakasa's fall looked painful, to say the least, however, the impact of my harmless joke was enough to sober up the drunk guy, enough for him to realize a stranger was residing in his abode.

"Who the are you?" From this interaction, I could easily conclude that Senju hadn't introduced us prior to this event. I opened my mouth, but abruptly we both got distracted by the tumbling noises coming out from the bathroom, which only became louder and louder with each passing second. My pink-haired friend busted through the bathroom door, wearing nothing but a white towel. I quickly gasped in shock, covering my face wondering what prompted her to walk out in such a disheveled state, and in front of another man at that.

"What's happening? Is there an intruder? I shall defend your honor Michi, no one will ever dare to kidnap you again, at least not on my watch!" I caught her wielding a shampoo bottle like a dangerous weapon.

"There is no intruder, the drunkard just fell from the sofa." He narrowed his eyes at me, probably anticipating my explanation afterward on how this came to be, but I refused to comply. So Wakasa took matters into his own hands.

"I fell because someone here decided to scare me shitless with the mention of fatherhood." I just crossed my arms feeling no remorse whatsoever.

"I just said one single sentence, on the contrary, it just proves you slept with enough women, that even you believe such a notion could become a reality at any given moment." He didn't refute my stance, which made me question why the hell Senju wanted us together. Why did she think an inexperienced person and one who couldn't settle down would be a good match?

"Oh you two are already getting along, that's great. I must say I never thought I would see him drop his nonchalant attitude for anybody but you managed to get him fuming within minutes. I'm impressed." Senju proceeded to pat my shoulder and then smiled while giving me a thumbs up before she returned to the bathroom, probably so she could finish her shower because we heard the water running yet again.

"So you care to explain who you are and what the two of you are doing in my house?"

"I'm Michi as for what we are doing here.. it's simple we scooped your drunk ass off the streets and bought you here, you're welcome." He didn't seem an ounce thankful, I could tell because I heard him mumble.

"I told her multiple times to just leave me alone when I'm in such a state." I titled my head not understanding why he thought the cold pavement was such a good idea for a sleepover.

"Are you like heavily depressed?" That must have been the reason, why else would he neglect his own health?

"Your eyes look a little sunken in-" Before I could describe his haggard state he cut me off.

"And I bet you're that chick that stood me up on Tuesday." I sighed recalling how Senju mentioned in the morning how Wakasa hadn't contacted her since the incident.

"You know instead of sulking around you could have asked Senju what was up. No need to turn full emo just because of one missed date."

"So let's hear what's your excuse?" I couldn't believe this guy, in retrospect, he was just digging his own grave.

"I'm so horribly sorry for not being able to predict my own kidnapping." This shut him up really fast.

"Feeling sorry yet? For your bad attitude?" He didn't dare utter a single word.

"You can imagine how easy it would be for someone to forget a scheduled date when your friend was kidnapped." He just nodded and ruffed through his hair in frustration.

"Sorry for assuming otherwise."

"Great, now we are on the same page. If you look at your phone it says Senju wants to reschedule our date. How does that sound to you?" He glanced in my direction that's when we witnessed Senju stepping out of the bathroom for the second time, this time fully clothed. Thankfully because of our earlier shopping spree, she had spare clothes to change into.

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