prologue 2

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i hated to break this news to my children. although it should be a time of excitement, that's the last they'll be towards me. my heart beat hard with nervousness. i hate making them upset.

having them sit in front of me, i scanned all of their faces. here i am three months pregnant and they don't know a thing. antoine has been being a brat and not wanting to be around me at all. so...that should make them think it at least the older ones.

tasia is 20, taylen is 18, amira is 15, kaila is 13, kiara is 11, asia is 8, and antoine is 5.

i took a deep breath, holding the pregnancy tests behind my back. they were waiting. by the looks on their faces i knew they were getting impatient. it only made this worse for me.

"momma has to tell you guys something. and i know it's gonna make some of you upset but...think of it as something good."

"we moving?" amira scrunched her face. i shook my head. that would be nice but no. although we may have to move once i have this baby. but my oldest are moving soon so... maybe not.

"no...." i pulled out the tests. lip smacks and groans went off and i knew it was the oldest. taylen glared at me hella hard. kaila, kiara and asia got off the couch one by one and walked away. "wait-"

"momma..." tasia called out to me shaking her head. i looked at her and we basically had a conversation with our eyes. she shook her head before leaving as well.

"momma wha is dat?" antoine looked confused. he has my looks so much.

"you're gonna have a baby brother or sister." i sat next to him on the couch and pulled him into my lap. he's the only one oblivious really so i could sugarcoat things with him. even though he hasn't been wanting to be with me. an outcome of this pregnancy.

the youngest never want to be with me when i'm pregnant. it's an ongoing cycle.

"nooo momma." he pushed out of my lap. i sighed heavily and he smiled at me. nothing is funny about that. "i have a baby brother?"

"maybe. have to find out." i tickled him. he giggled before getting up and running off. i was left with taylen and amira.

"that's the dumbest shit you could've ever done." taylen spoke first. i didn't complain about his language, only nodded. "like deadass? come on ma."

"i knew y'all were messing around again. especially when you were sneaking out of your own house." amira shrugged. she didn't seem to care too much but i knew she felt a way. they all did.

"kiara." i peeked in her room, hoping i would get a word from her. she just looked at me with the blankest expression. it hurt my feelings. "could you please come help me?"

she got up and followed me down to my room. i needed to get something from the top of the closet. she's the tallest one here right now.

"please get that box."

i watched her reach up and snatch it down before giving it to me. she simply walked away after i thanked her. i'm seven months pregnant and for this whole time, i've been getting the cold shoulder from some of my girls.

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